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"YOU look very happy today

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"YOU look very happy today..." Soonyoung tells with a bright smile as he skips beside Minghao, the younger just gives him a little nod, "care to tell? I'm quite curious."

"Nothing much," Well, that definitely was a lie and Soonyoung was able to tell once his words slipped out. Minghao tries to cover it up with a wide smile, but the blonde only rolls his eyes, "if I'd tell you, you'd freak and tell Wonwoo."

"Did you finally snap at your parents and get disowned?"

"No, I wish," As Minghao let's out a sigh, "I'll have you keep guessing. It's much more fun that way."

"Then I'll be distracted all day! Tell me for the sake of my attention span from the rest of my classes!"

The younger shakes his head, which makes Soonyoung whine even more. "As if you pay attention, well you really don't need to. Sometimes you get the material without even trying."

"Hey, don't try and change the subject. I may be a genius but I'm still trying to figure out what's making you all giddy. Because we have to keep it that way." Soonyoung pokes the boy's shoulder, making him tilt slightly. "So, can you say now?"

"Let's wait for Wonwoo."

"Then hurry up!" Soonyoung doesn't hesitate to grab onto Minghao's wrist, dragging him through the halls like a rag doll. Minghao didn't have any time to react so he let his legs do the work, his mouth yelling at Soonyoung as the older boy lets out a couple of chuckles, "Wonwoo should be getting out of choir right now." They usually walked to the ravenette's classroom once their lunch period came into session. 

"No need to run!" Minghao tries to tell the boy, but of course, they keep running. Dashing past a couple of people. "W-We're gonna bump into-" And before the ravenette could even finish his sentence, his statement became true. Soonyoung's butt glided against the hallway's floor while Minghao was able to catch himself by placing his hands in front of his chest before his face could even hit the ground. It would have been a bad wreck if his glasses smashed against his face, that would've been far from pretty. "See! We could have died!"

"That's an exaggeration," As Soonyoung stands up, rubbing his behind to walk towards Minghao. But, a certain bluenette helps him up from his position. He notices the boy who runs towards the familiar face. "oh.."

"Sorry about that, Soonyoung was in a hurry," Minghao states, shortly blaming his friend. Joshua gives him a smile, accepting his apology without any commotion. "oh, you're-"

"Hao!" Jun yells, out of breath as he was the boy who was running towards Joshua. "Are you hurt? I saw that collision did you break anything?"

"I-I'm fine.." He replies, adjusting his glasses. "You should be asking if your friend is okay."

Jun takes a glance towards Joshua, he didn't even have to question for an answer. "I'm fine Jun, thanks." Dusting his slacks, he lets out a little laugh, "you should watch out, wouldn't want anyone getting hurt around here."

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