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AS another week of school begins, Jun usually arrives early as he likes to hang out with his friends before class starts

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AS another week of school begins, Jun usually arrives early as he likes to hang out with his friends before class starts. He sits with Joshua in the front of the academy, there are a couple of benches that surround the area so they take their pick. Joshua eats his packed breakfast as he was afraid of taking too much time at the dining table, usually, when he'd eat at home it would result in him being late to first period. "Shua," Jun calls as he's in the midst of chewing on his granola bar, "do you know Minghao? Xu Minghao to be exact."

The question was rather random to the older boy, he wasn't familiar with the name so he felt bad to disappoint the boy as he had to reply with a muffled, "No," due to his chewed food being in the way of proper pronunciation. "I don't."

"That's okay, I didn't think you did."

"Then why'd you ask?" Joshua questions with curiosity as he swallowed the granola bits down, "You have beef with him or something?"

"I don't have beef with anyone, he's my neighbor." Jun informs, which brings sense to Joshua as he lets out a small, 'ah'. "He's a student, so, he has to be a student at the academy. I've never seen him around."

"Maybe he's one of those people who like to keep himself lowkey. You know, focus on themselves and have no distractions. He may have a couple of friends but it may be at least one, two at the max."

"You're assuming things now." The younger male states, pouting his lips as he slumps into the bench. "He just seems lonely, I can sense that there's a lot of negativity in his life that has probably consumed him already."

"That's new to hear," Joshua takes another bite out of his granola bar, "you're being slightly poetic, I think? But, you're putting a lot of thought into him from what I can tell.."

"He also says he's someone I shouldn't talk to. There's nothing bad about him, well, from what I know at the moment. He seems like a good guy, it's just he's pushing me away and I don't know what to do."

Joshua changes his position as he sits criss-cross on the bench. He shrugs his shoulders, finally taking the last bites of his small breakfast and finishing it. "Maybe, he likes it that way? Not necessarily like, but has a reason behind it. It's quite obvious because if someone acts a certain way they ought to have a reason for it correct? But, if that's not the case it could be his personality."

Jun nods from his words, he definitely was on the right track. He didn't have much knowledge of Minghao and in fact, they only just met. The older wanted to get to know Minghao, but he was struggling badly even though it was just the beginning. He didn't know what was keeping Minghao from speaking to him, was there something wrong with Jun? Did a rumor spread around that he heard that he never was aware of? Scenarios like that could happen, but he didn't want that ruining Minghao's first impression on him. "Yeah..you're right. But, I want to find him so I can talk to him. I've only seen him through his window. It would be nice to be face to face."

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