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AFTER the hectic fight between Jun and Fengjun ended, Jun had brought Minghao up to his room so the younger boy wouldn't be able to bother the ravenette

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AFTER the hectic fight between Jun and Fengjun ended, Jun had brought Minghao up to his room so the younger boy wouldn't be able to bother the ravenette. As Minghao sat on the boy's bed, he looked to the right side of Jun's room, his famous window displays and he can easily see his window from his position. "Sorry for Fengjun," Jun shortly apologizes, but Minghao shakes his head as it was alright. He somewhat found it cute that Jun was fighting with a boy many years younger than him. "he's the definition of chaotic."

"Junhui likes boys with black hair! You should watch out!" Fengjun yells from the outside of Jun's door, the older brunette groans. He had the urge to open his door and fight his younger brother once again, but he was wasting time that was supposed to be spent with Minghao.

"Fengjun sweetie! Stop disrupting the boys!" Mrs. Wen shouts from downstairs, they hear a small defeated groan from Fengjun. His footsteps disappearing down the hall, they assume he's heading to his own room or to the lower level.

"Finally!" As Jun celebrates, he flops onto the bed, right next to Minghao. "That brat is out of the way."

"You two seem to have a good relationship." Minghao comments, laying on his stomach with Jun. The brunette turns his head to capture the younger's expression, "am I wrong?"

"You're not. I love him but he can be annoying. But, that's how siblings are."

"It seems to be nice to have someone around. I'm an only child." Minghao informs.

Jun gives the boy a pout, "That must be lonely then."

"It's alright," Minghao then reassures, not wanting Jun to feel bad for something so small. "I have Wonwoo and Soonyoung. And...you of course."

The brunette nods his head, giving Minghao a little smile, "Yeah, I'll always be here so just call me whenever and I'll keep you company." The younger ravenette nods, assuring that he would keep his words in mind. "Anything you want to do today? Staying here may cause us some trouble since Fengjun might have some devious plan up his sleeve."

"Is it too much to ask to go to that cafe again? I really liked their drinks."

Jun gives him a thumbs up, "Yeah sure, we can go. Mingyu is most likely working today so maybe we can ask for a discount." Minghao then lets out a small laugh, Jun doesn't understand why as he tilts his head with confusion filling his mind, "What?"

"Using your friend for discounts?"

"What? I bet you'd do the same."

Minghao shrugs his shoulders, his lips forming into a tiny smile as he was a terrible liar, "Maybe."

Jun pushes the boy lightly, making himself glide to the side but Minghao quickly catches himself from falling off Jun's bed. "Alright, let me change first and we'll get going." He waits for Minghao to leave the room, but all he receives is the boy staring at him. "Uh..do you not want to leave because Fengjun is outside?"

"Oh-" As Minghao realizes the reason why the atmosphere was so awkward, "sorry, I'll go downstairs.." The young male then rushes out Jun's room and down the steps. Jun who gets off his bed watches him from his door and lets out a snort,


The ravenette arrived at the lower level in no time, he saw Fengjun sitting on the couch watching TV. While Mrs. Wen seemed to be occupied somewhere else. Walking over to Fengjun, he takes a seat next to him as he waits for Jun. "Are you going out with my brother?" The child questions without any hesitation, ensuring his tone isn't loud enough for Jun's ears to hear.

"Well, yes-" Minghao interpreted the question wrong as he thought he meant - if they were going somewhere.

"I knew it!" Fengjun yells, punching his fist straight forward into the air, "You have weird taste."

"I'm sorry, I really don't understand.."

"I don't either, you're dating my brother and haven't dumped him yet. I mean, I guess it's okay since he seems to be in a better mood these days. Also! Don't worry, I don't have anything against my brother dating a boy, I may be young but my parents told me it's okay to like someone even if they're the same gender."

Minghao was confused, very much confused. He unitentionally made Fengjun believe he was dating Jun when that was a false fact. "Oh, well that's good that you're aware. But, I'm not dating your brother. I thought you meant going out as in going out somewhere, which we are."

Fengjun turns his head to Minghao, raising a brow. "What?," He firstly says, turning his head back to its original position and mumbling some inaudible words to himself, "man, I thought you were his boyfriend. Well, can I ask you this? Do you like my brother?"

The ravenette blinks a couple of times, unsure of what to answer with. In fact, to recall his past, Minghao had no clear memories of him being interested in someone. He'd label his relationships with Wonwoo and Soonyoung as platonic, but he's never felt any romantic feelings towards them. With Jun, it felt a little different, he didn't want to jump to the conclusion that those feelings were love as it was a strong word to use. "It's okay if you don't want to answer," Fengjun interrupts his thoughts, "but, it's also okay to not know."

"Yeah..I'm sorry I don't know.."

"Sorry for asking."

"It's alright," Minghao tells with a smile, "it was only a question."

"Yeah, but sometimes questions can mess up everything." Fengjun defends, "because what if that person starts to look at things differently and bam! The relationship between whoever is ruined."

"Well, I don't think this will ruin Jun's and I's relationship."

"I hope not, Jun never brings people over. Unless it's Shua hyung, but personally if I were you I'd feel a bit special. Does Jun make you feel special?"

Now, that was a question Minghao could answer. He did, Jun has positively impacted his life and he wanted to treasure the boy dearly. Jun made him feel many things, special being one of them. "Yeah, he does."

Fengjun snickers, "That's because he likes you."

Minghao shakes his head, avoiding that topic as he didn't want to accept the assumption or potential fact. "No...we're just really good friends."

Fengjun raises a brow, he looks around the area first before speaking. "Jun has never sneaked out before, I know he went out with you the other night."

The ravenette's eyes widen, "H-How?..."

"When he came back I woke up to get a drink of water. I caught him red-handed." As the younger lets out an evil laugh, "so, in exchange for not telling our parents. I asked him a couple of questions."

"They were?"

"A secret!" Fengjun teases, Minghao lets out a sigh as he should've known better. "But, trust me. They all were good responses, I may seem untrustworthy but I am his brother. I know more than you, just saying."

Minghao nods his head, of course he knew that. It was common sense. "You planning on using that information against him?"

Fengjun shakes his head, that wasn't his plan, he simply liked the tea. "Nope, he's old enough to deal with his problems. Besides, he wouldn't want his little brother getting involved with his love life cause that's just lame." He presses his back against the couch's surface, slowly sinking down, "I'm not, what are they called? An optimist, yeah I think that's what it is. But, I think things will play out okay."

"You think?"

The young boy nods, "I'm sure of it."

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