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"REMEMBER, I have work," Wonwoo states, eyes focused on the worksheet in front of him

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"REMEMBER, I have work," Wonwoo states, eyes focused on the worksheet in front of him. He sits in the library with Minghao and Soonyoung as it's lunchtime. Due to his hours of work increasing gradually, he's been losing the time to complete his homework which leads him to finish his assignments in the library early morning and throughout the day once he receives the time. "besides, getting Minghao out of that prison of his will be difficult as always."

"Why don't we just use the tutoring excuse? It works like a charm each time." Soonyoung suggests, but Minghao doesn't respond to the recommendation made. Wonwoo was right, it was difficult to compile a form of lies in order for Minghao to go out as his parents were always on his ass.

"It may work like a charm, but soon enough it won't be as useful," Wonwoo responds, he is scribbling down words on his sheet quickly, "Minghao's parents are smart, we've almost been caught a couple of times. It'll be easier if we have a note from a teacher or some sort of staff member stating that Hao needs to tutor someone."

The blonde snaps his fingers, shortly stating his genius idea, "Easy, create one."

"My parents would definitely email whoever created or more of sent it." The younger ravenette states, a statement that pooped on Soonyoung's plan. "since my schedule is so packed, they don't want anything else interfering. Besides, they'd be like, why can't they just find another person to tutor them?"The boy mimicking his parents leads to Wonwoo snorting, "What! It's true."

"Then...let's find someone who needs a tutor?" Soonyoung quietly questions, Wonwoo and Minghao shortly take a glance at the blonde, thinking that he was absolutely crazy for bringing up the proposal.

"You...want Minghao to actually tutor someone so we can go out more. Are you that desperate?" Wonwoo squints his eyes shortly, but instead, he takes off his glasses to stare at Soonyoung. "That's so ridiculous that I had to take off my glasses because I don't even want to look at you."

"I'm not desperate, I just believe Minghao deserves time for himself and his friends. He doesn't even have to use the time to spend it with us, he can have fun for once!" Soonyoung nudges the male next to him, "don't you think that would be fun?"

Wonwoo puts his glasses back on and turns his head towards Minghao, "Don't listen to his ridiculous ideas, they'll only bring trouble. Though I understand your point Soonyoung, what happens to the student who needs actual tutoring? And, what happens to Minghao if the scheme is later revealed to be planned for a different intention?"

Soonyoung snaps his fingers towards Wonwoo, giving him a defeated smile. "Those are questions I have no answer to. But, can we hear Hao's input on the idea? I want him to have some sort of life during his high school career. He's basically only got Wen Junhui since he's his window neighbor."

Minghao puts a finger to his lips as he shushes the boy, "Shut up, what is someone hears you?"

"Jun is your window neighbor? How come I never knew of this?" Wonwoo finally puts down his pencil, he was already distracted by his friends and his assignment wasn't too difficult. He would be able to finish the worksheet before it was collected, "what's so bad about Jun anyways. He's a normal human being."

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