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THE weekend came about, the time of where some could either refresh themselves with more sleep as they didn't have to wake up at seven a

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THE weekend came about, the time of where some could either refresh themselves with more sleep as they didn't have to wake up at seven a.m to get ready. Or, others had activities planned for them such as Minghao, standing in a room as he practiced the violin. Minghao was going to be honest, he had no clue what he was playing. He simply read the music sheet and allowed his fingers to do the magic. His mother, who sat in the room with him sipped a cup of tea as she sat in the corner on a stool. "Minghao, be more elegant. Why can't you put some emotions in while you play?"

Minghao removes the bow's hair from its correlating strings. His chin and shoulder becoming sore from holding up the maple colored instrument. Setting the two parts by his side, he gives his mother an unhappy expression. "Because I don't want to play the violin," He admits, walking over to the violin's case to place the instrument back in carefully. Arranging the pieces back in their designated spots, he closes the case. "I have better things to do..."

His mother sets down her teacup on the small porcelain plate that sits on a table in front of her, "Why are you talking nonsense Minghao? That's unacceptable, get back to playing right now. We shouldn't be wasting any time."

Minghao ignores her demand, grabbing the case's handle he shakes his head, "I'm going to go do my physics homework. Soonyoung might be texting me for help." Walking out the cramped room, he quickly makes his way to his room upstairs before his mother can catch him. It was clear that she was going to be angry for the rest of the day because of his unacceptable attitude. But, he was sure his dad would calm her down at some point. Entering his room, he shuts the door and locks it. Setting his violin down in its claimed position of his room, he throws himself on the bed. "This sucks..I've got violin skills but I don't even enjoy playing." He wished that he could just leave his forced activities behind and focus on the ones he actually wanted to do. But, that would cause too much trouble in his household, knowing that his parents spent hundreds of dollars on Minghao's lessons.

He pushes himself up, walking over to his window as he got bored. Usually, during these times he'd force himself to do some homework or study upcoming material so he would be ahead of everyone else. But, that didn't seem like any fun to him. He felt like talking to Jun. The boy's window wasn't open, he also didn't have his number so contacting him was out of the picture. If he yelled, there was a possibility his parents would hear him. He didn't know what to do in order to summon the boy. "Jun~"

There was no response, which he expected as his voice was too soft for him to hear. With the glass being in the way, he was unsure if Jun would be able to catch his words. That's when he realized, he was reminded of the fact that Jun had an Instagram account, so why not just message him there? Minghao was definitely a genius. Slipping his phone out from his pocket, he opens the gradient colored app and searches for Jun's username. It was easy as it simply was his full name. Sending him a message, all he can do is wait.

Jun on the other hand just got out the shower. He walks over to his table to grab his phone that is plugged within his standing charger. Checking his notifications, he realized he got a message from Instagram. Unlocking his phone, he didn't recognize the username until he read the message.

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