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"YOU know you're crazy right?" Yanan tells to Jun who's quickly packing his items

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"YOU know you're crazy right?" Yanan tells to Jun who's quickly packing his items. Knowing the boy, he probably was going to chase down Minghao. Plus, their small interaction in the beginning of class confused everyone, but only a few knew of their past relationships.

Jun lets out a scoff, smirking towards the boy. "I know." As he throws his backpack over his shoulder, he runs off out the door without a word as Yanan understood his situation. Minghao was one of the first to leave, Kun and Sicheng didn't want to risk him being crowded once class was over. Jun was not hesitant when it came to running down the hall and out of the language building. He had caught up with the trio but was stopped once Sicheng caught nearing footsteps.

"Minghao," Sicheng warns, he recognized the odd brunette from yesterday and did not like his vibes one bit. "he could be dangerous."

"He's not," Minghao informs, Sicheng scrunches his nose as he didn't agree with the response. The ravenette slowly walks up to Jun, the older follows and it's not long until they're face to face.

"Minghao—" Sicheng tries to warn once again, he even takes a step forward but Kun stops him. "we don't know who this kid is!"

"Just wait."

Jun clenched his fist, he wanted to look Minghao in the eye but with those stupid glasses of his he couldn't. "Why haven't you contacted me? It's been three years..are we even considered a couple anymore?"

The ravenette removes his glasses after hearing his words. Jun was obviously hurt and his feelings were extremely valid. He was aware that he put him and his old friends in pain with his sudden disappearance. "I couldn't, my aunt is basically my mom. Just copied and pasted."

Jun rolls his eyes, "couldn't even try and break some rules to get a hold of me."

"I lost your number actually," Minghao admits, "so I really couldn't."

"You know," Jun starts off, putting one foot back to slouch. "to be reunited after so long, we're acting too calm."

"It would be a crime to the media to kiss you right now." The ravenette reminds, believing his boyfriend forgot that he was a rising star.

"When I told you to change your script, I didn't mean for you to become an actor."

Minghao shrugs, "Setting foot in the entertainment industry meant I could branch out of China. I was willing to take that chance since there was a tiny possibility that I'd be able to see you, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo again."

"Well, you see me. What are you gonna do? You can't do much because of the media, sabotaging your career early isn't on my to-do list." Jun informs, but Minghao gives another mere shrug. "that's all you have to say."

"Nope, I have a lot to say." Minghao tells, "but since there's a crowd of people forming around us. I can't."

"Minghao!" Sicheng calls, interrupting their small talk. "come on, we're heading back now."

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