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MINGHAO didn't tell Soonyoung and Wonwoo about his plans for tonight, he didn't want to jinx himself because if he did get caught he was fully aware of the fact that his parents would probably put security cameras in their home

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MINGHAO didn't tell Soonyoung and Wonwoo about his plans for tonight, he didn't want to jinx himself because if he did get caught he was fully aware of the fact that his parents would probably put security cameras in their home. So, he played it safe and waited until the sounds within his home became nonexistent. Once nine fifty-seven hits, Minghao slips on his cross-over bag that holds all his stuff. Knowing that there were still some shops open at this time, maybe he could treat Jun as a present for doing this with him. He opens his door slowly, being patient as he didn't want to put himself at risk.  As the door opens further out, the space to wiggle through widens as well. Minghao takes his chance and slides through the opening, releasing a deep breath as he celebrated his success internally.

With steady hands, he closes the door back into it's locked position and heads downstairs to the front. He ensured to keep his weight on his toes as he walked through the halls, knowing that any sort of sound would echo through. He was unsure if his parents were light sleepers, he was aware that they would check up on him from time to time if needed. But, Minghao set up a lump of pillows under his blanket to create a figure if that was the case for this situation.

Minghao's eyes captured the front door but he still did not increase his speed, it was a definite possibility that Jun was already waiting outside for him. But, he could give a simple explanation of why he was taking so long. Once he was at front of the door, he slipped on a pair of cozy shoes and unlocked the door. Tugging on it gently, he prayed that it didn't create a loud sound, luckily, it didn't. As the cold breeze hit his face, Minghao twists the door's lock and slips through the crack to exit. He didn't need a key to lock the building's entrance as his past action already took care of the situation.

Slipping his phone out of his pocket, he realized that it was already ten-o-six. Walking to the next house down, he spotted Jun sitting on his front porch. He quickly heads over to him as he didn't want to yell, once there's a good distance between them he calls out his name. "Junhui," He says, giving the boy a wave once they made eye contact with each other. "come on, let's go."

"You made it," He says with a smile, running up to the younger. Minghao nods from his words, "I'm glad, I was getting worried that you got caught."

"If I did that means I'd never have a chance of doing this ever again." He shortly explains.

"Are you implying that this might happen again?" Jun questions, he had his hopes up and was wishing that Minghao said yes. And today - well, tonight was his lucky night. Minghao nods once again, answering with a small 'yes'. "Great, then let's make this a fun night! Where do you wanna take photos first?"

"I thought I could treat you somewhere, maybe a nearby diner or café. Whatever is open really, you can choose."

A lightbulb goes off in Jun's mind, "My friend's family owns a pastry shop. It's open until midnight, wanna try it out? They have really good stuff."

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