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a/n: sorry for not updating this story in two weeks ):

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a/n: sorry for not updating this story in two weeks ):

"YOU'RE never gonna stop, huh?" Wonwoo questions, raising a brow as he glances at Minghao who automatically gave another individual a disgusted expression when they tried to talk to him. The look wasn't intentional, it was just how his face reacted whenever someone nearby came and tried to interact with him.

"What? Not my fault my face muscles do that." He defends, but Wonwoo only rolls his eyes as he continues his work. "Don't be too worried about me and other people. It's not that deep."

"It's not that deep, is that gonna become your new catchphrase or something? Cause I'm gonna get annoyed of it real quick Hao."

"You shouldn't care so much when it comes to my relationships with other people. It will only drive you insane Wonwoo." Minghao, trying to get the words through the boy's thick skull. He didn't want Wonwoo to be concerned with him, he hated when his friends wasted their brainpower on him when they can be focusing on other important things. "That mostly applies to Jun and me."

"Well, I didn't bring up Jun," The older states, pushing up his glasses that were falling slowly from the bridge of his nose, "besides, Jun isn't a bad guy. There is nothing wrong with being friends with him. You're too caught up in your romance cliche, popular guys and 'unpopular' students can't get along. No one will think he's weird Hao, nor will anyone think you're weird as well."

It was the mere truth, Wonwoo didn't know how long he'd be caught up in those thoughts but he wondered what made Minghao so afraid of speaking to others. He was aware that he and his parents had a slightly unstable relationship, knowing that they abused their power on Minghao as he was forced to do many activities that he never really seemed to enjoy. Although some helped him in the long run, naturally he was a gifted boy who was smart. He didn't need all the extra things to boost his profile. "Yeah.. I know..." He finally replies, giving Wonwoo a small smile, "but, I don't think things will change since everyone knows I'm cold."

"Things can change Minghao, that's only if you put yourself out there. You just need to take some tiny steps, Soonyoung and I will help you out. You know that right?"

"Yeah... I know...it just feels weird to break out of my comfort zone. I feel like people will judge me if I start acting differently," Minghao answers, "it doesn't really matter since not everyone here will follow me after high school. But, I don't know."

"You're correct, you'll most likely never going to see everyone in this school after graduating so what's the point of letting loose now?" Wonwoo questions, looking straight into the boy's eyes. There was no guarantee that this would charm his way into directing himself in another path, one that would hold a bit more happiness. "You've got nothing to lose Hao, you know that. You're definitely not gonna lose Soonyoung and I."

The ravenette doesn't know if he should admit his truths, because it seemed as if he had no right to. Hypothetically, if he did decide to try and change his ways, what if it comes to the point to where him and Jun create a bond. Knowing that the captain would be ecstatic to see Minghao finally opening up to him, it was a possibility that they could lose their spark and fall apart. In all means, what if Jun got tired of him? They're from two completely different worlds, Jun had to abide his duties of being the academy's trustworthy captain while Minghao lived in his own shadow. They wouldn't stick for long...

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