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"WHAT did you and Jun talk about the other day?" Wonwoo questions out of the blue, which made the younger ravenette a bit curious about how he knew about their interaction

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"WHAT did you and Jun talk about the other day?" Wonwoo questions out of the blue, which made the younger ravenette a bit curious about how he knew about their interaction. "If you're wondering, you guys passed by the choir room and I heard a couple of things. Basically unintentional eavesdropping."

"Oh," Minghao starts off, understanding his explanation. "well he kind of gave me some advice..."

"Was it good advice?" Wonwoo was always the type to ask for details, it didn't bother Minghao but he wondered if this conversation would swerve into a different direction if he did say everything. "Just wondering."

"I guess...yeah." His tone was ambivalent, Wonwoo was able to tell once he finished his sentence. "The problem is...when it comes to advice and me, they don't seem to clash well. As much as I appreciate the words, the next day it feels as if following whatever was said is impossible."

"Maybe 'cause you're afraid of trailing away from your roots Hao." Wonwoo points out, and of course, this detail was correct. Minghao was and is still afraid of defying his parents no matter how much he wants to. There would be a devastating amount of consequences that would follow through if he did decide to become his own person - so what could he do?

"I know," As he was clearly self-aware now. There was no point in denying it so why even fight with Wonwoo on this, "I just want to be my own person...the Xu Minghao I am now doesn't really suit me."

"You're old enough to make your own choices Minghao. If you want to change for you, then do it. Soonyoung and I will support you, we've been kinda waiting for this moment honestly." The older admits, scratching his nape as he hoped that Minghao didn't take his words the wrong way.

Minghao only replies with silence during their walk through the halls of the academy. Wonwoo was afraid that he'd said something wrong, once again, but instead, he catches the younger smiling. "You're..smiling."

He nods, "Yeah. I think Jun told me I should do it more often."

"You should, your face might go numb if you keep the same expression on for twenty-four hours." Wonwoo teases, he receives a light punch from the ravenette. "I'm kidding, but he's right you should. Soonyoung and I like seeing you smile."

"I know, Soonyoung asked me to smile for you guys." As he recalls the small moment, "I should. It feels...nice."

"Hey Wonwoo, you ever thought of modeling before?" The younger brings up, it was a random question to ask as it didn't correlate with their conversations. But, Wonwoo shakes his head as an answer. "Do you...want to model for me?"

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