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[so uh, my picture won't save pretend you see the chapter twenty five thingy :D]

"YOU know, I never thought I'd be going to the mall on a school day to get a frog plushie from build-a-bear." Minghao chuckles, buckling himself up as they were already in Jun's car. They had already dropped off their stuff, informed Jun's mother about their small trip and of course, Jun had to argue with Fengjun before leaving midway.

Jun raises his brows and shakes his head, "Quite an adventure, I still can't believe Fengjun is making me buy him a bear, as if he'd play with it."

"Well, sometimes it's nice to have a furry friend on your bed to cuddle with," Minghao tells, Jun shrugs his shoulders and inserts the keys into the ignition, "I haven't been to the mall in forever, I wonder if it still looks the same."

"When's the last time you've gone?"

Minghao taps a finger on his chin, "I'd say about five months ago."

Jun darts his head towards Minghao before removing his foot from the brake, "Five months? Wow, well let's make this trip count. Any stores you want to stop by?" Finally, Jun starts the drive, he checks the rear mirror before removing his vehicle from its parked position. Getting on the street, they begin to move. "We can look around if you don't remember any of the stores."

"I think I want pretzels."

The brunette nods, "On it captain, that can be arranged."

"Speaking of captain, do you have practice tomorrow?" Minghao questions, wondering about his school plans. The last time he wasn't informed about his schedule he had to stay with Jun in the volleyball team's club room until their practice had ended.

"Wednesday, why? Do you want to go on another date?" Jun glances over to him, raising a brow but Minghao uses his index finger to return the brunette's eyes back on the road. "Guessing that's a no."

"I think I'll go out with Wonwoo and Soonyoung tomorrow," Minghao tells, Jun pouts from the said statement but returns to his normal expression. The ravenette knew he was joking, Jun was just a mere baby. "I'll hang out with you on Wednesday, I'll switch off each day."

"I'm fine with that, you need to spend a lot of time with them. Besides, you and I are living inside the same house now. I'll see you from morning to night." Jun reassures, Minghao replies with a small, 'mhm'. "Anyways, about those frog names?"

"Junnie, just drive."

Shortly, the two boys had arrived at the mall. Jun didn't have to fight for parking this time as many did not decide to spend their weekdays at the shopping center. Entering the large building, Minghao was refreshed with the smell of polished shoes and the sweet tang of smoothies from a nearby bar. "Can we get smoothies later?" Minghao questions shyly, tugging on the bottom half of Jun's shirt to grab his attention. He discretely points to the stand and Jun nods,

"Yep, let's go get your froggie first."

The couple walk together to find the store, since Jun had forgotten where the location of the shop was they had to find a directory before setting off. Minghao's eyes never stayed in one place, they wandered everywhere as it's been a while since he's stepped foot in the building they were currently inside. After figuring out the shop was on the second floor, Minghao and Jun find the nearest escalator to take in order to get to the level below them. "What bear are you getting for Fengjun?"

"I don't know, he said any is fine as long as it's a bear. No dogs, dragons, cats, specifically has to be a bear." Jun firmly restates, after hearing his little brother's words he was somewhat afraid to see what would happen if he brought home something else. "I think I'll get one of the regular ones I saw online, they aren't much and are still cute."

behind the scenes ! junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now