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"Where should we go first," Jun questions, one hand on the wheel as his other relaxed on the small compartment box that sits in the middle of the two front seats

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"Where should we go first," Jun questions, one hand on the wheel as his other relaxed on the small compartment box that sits in the middle of the two front seats. Minghao shrugs his shoulders, the faint music filling his ears that flowed from Jun's car speakers. "I'm fine with anywhere."

"I am too," Minghao replies, giving the boy a small smile. He rests his left hand on the compartment as well, their hands brushing against each other awkwardly. Jun shifts in his seat, taking a deep breath as he continues to focus on the road like he's supposed to. There was no time to be distracted, "wanna get ice cream?"

"You craving something sweet?" Jun asked with a small chuckle following, he can't see any physical response done by Minghao since he's staring at what's in front of him.

Minghao clicks his tongue, "I mean, I'm not much of a sweets person but it popped into my mind. It somewhat sounded good so why not you know?" Jun nods his head, understanding the boy's reasoning. "So...ice cream Junnie?"

"Ice cream it is." He responds, pressing on the gas slightly for the vehicle to gain speed. Minghao glances to their hands, still only sitting beside each other like ducks. Should he make a move? If a mini Soonyoung was sitting on his right shoulder, the blonde definitely would have been screaming to hold his hand. Minghao was still contemplating, he didn't know how far they were from the shop and what if this was his only chance? The urge inside him was boiling, so why push it away? Slowly, his slender fingers slide against the black leather, and Minghao's pinky touches Jun's. The brunette, slightly startled by the unexpected company doesn't do anything after the small reaction. Minghao taps his left ring finger on Jun's hand, hoping the boy would understand the message. If he didn't, that would have been awkward...

Jun turns his hand upward, palm facing up as he comprehended what Minghao was implying. Their palms touch, Minghao didn't think he'd get this far but he allows his fingers to go in between the crevices of Jun's fingers. Shortly their interlocked and Minghao can only stare the other way as it's finally happened. "Hey, don't get all shy on me when you're the one who initiated this," Jun comments, letting out a cute laugh. "you can look at me, we're at a stoplight."

Minghao's head was flooded with blaring thoughts to where he didn't even realize Jun's car stopped moving, he's hesitant at first to look at Jun. But, with the lack of light around them, Jun shouldn't be able to spot the forming blush on his face. So, he does. Turning to the boy with a shy expression and squeezes his hand tighter due to the rush. "S-Sorry.." He apologizes shortly, releasing some of the pressure. But Jun holds his hand with a firm but comforting grip,

"Don't apologize, it's okay."

As the light shines green, Jun removes his foot from the brakes and presses on the gas. His right hand interlocked with Minghao's, with his left gripped on the wheel. This felt odd, maybe because Jun had ideas of making the first move himself. Or maybe because they felt like they were on a date - or, were dating. Cause that's what some couples do, hold hands and sneak out during the night because fuck the rules. Yeah, it seemed like one of those movies.

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