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"YOU'RE getting sent back to Liaoning!" Jun yells, he was in the midst of grabbing a cup from the dishwasher to fill with ice

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"YOU'RE getting sent back to Liaoning!" Jun yells, he was in the midst of grabbing a cup from the dishwasher to fill with ice. Minghao who sits at the kitchen table nods his head, he stares at the medium-sized glass that sits in front of him, the water making ripples as he tapped on the side. "And you made the executive decision to runaway for the night because you pissed off your mom?"

"It was because of what I said..." Minghao mutters, reminding himself of the dumb lie that he told. If he didn't say that he was in a relationship with Junhui, maybe things wouldn't have come to this. "I get why she's angry, but sending me away is too much. Why can't she just sit down with me and discuss everything like an actual adult?"

"I don't know, parents are weird. They show love and affection in the oddest ways. My mom has made me cry before in the past and her way of apologizing is bringing me fruit while I did my homework." Jun states, finally pouring himself a cup of orange juice to drink. He heads off next to Minghao and sits at the table so they can speak about his situation. "Is it only going to be for tonight or-?"

"You want me to stay longer?" As Minghao raises a brow, shoving Jun's shoulder with his playfully. It definitely lightened up the mood as Jun let out a small laugh, replying with,

"Maybe I do."

"Well, I'll have to see. Since you said your parents are okay with me sleeping here tonight, I don't wanna bother your family for a day or more." Minghao explains Jun shakes his head after taking a sip of his drink, "really? I feel like I'm invading if I stay longer."

"Dad is usually out for work so he's barely home. Besides, he says I need more friends. My mom and Fengjun seem to like you so it all works out." Jun reassures, but Minghao still feels terrible for coming with such late notice. Plus, he had no necessities with him. Thanks to his mother, most of his clothes were packed and his toiletries were of course in his bathroom. "we have extra stuff, you can also use my clothes. You're lucky you're in your uniform and brought your backpack or else that would have been a problem."

"Oh, yeah..you're right." As he came to the realization, it never even struck his mind to how slightly prepared he was for this, "are you sure that this is okay?"


Minghao lets out a defeated sigh and sips his drink, "Alright, I'm staying the night then."

Jun nods his head, "So, what did you tell her that made her super angry?" 

The ravenette's eyes widen, now this was another problem he'd have to deal with. He had a feeling Jun wasn't going to react negatively when hearing this, mostly because his friends have told him that it was a definite possibility that the Wen Junhui may return feelings for him as he had a pathetic crush on the older boy. But, there was no way of escaping this one because lying would just make him feel guilty due to the brunette and his family allowing him to stay in their home. He deserved to know the truth, "I...told my mom I'm dating you." He mumbles, he returns to tapping on the cup as he didn't want to face Jun. The boy was silent, way too silent for Minghao's liking. He definitely was done for it.


Minghao nods, "I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have because it's a big lie and I didn't think about your feelings as well...I just-"

"No," As Jun shakes his head, smiling widely. Minghao was confused to why he had such a joyful expression, did he like the lie? "I already said that I wouldn't mind people thinking we're dating Hao, if you don't remember." He boops the boy's nose and lets out a laugh as he reacted cutely, "besides, I don't know if I'm good at hinting or not, but I like you. I know this is really awkward since I'm confessing in my kitchen, but we don't have much time. If you're really being sent away, I'd rather say it now instead of later..."

Oh. Now Minghao felt like the biggest idiot in the world, he should have known after hearing those words from Jun in the past. Maybe he was just in denial, no, he most likely was but - with Jun confirming his feelings he had no clue what to say. Did this mean they'd now be more than friends if he claimed he felt the same way? "Minghao? If you don't feel the same way I-"

"I do," He mumbles, "I like you too..."

Jun exhales, he clutches onto his shirt and thanks cupid for doing their job right. "I was so scared, I thought I was going to be rejected and the whole day would have been awkward."

Minghao laughs, "Seriously? Well...you have my answer so what are you going to do now? Does this mean we're together?" 

"I'd be glad to have the Xu Minghao as my boyfriend, and what am I going to do?" The brunette shrugs his shoulders after saying his words, turning his body towards Minghao, his hand moves the same way during the time of when they were in the Dunkin' Donuts parking lot. The scene was engraved into Minghao's mind and he had a feeling of what was going to happen next. Turning himself slightly to make things easier for Jun, he shuts his eyes and waits for the magic to happen. Jun's lips press against his and Minghao was comforted by the touches as the boy was his safe haven. With the sparks of electricity and racing heartbeats filling their ears, they didn't even notice that Fengjun had entered the building as he came home from soccer practice,

"Oh my god, mom! Jun hyung brought his boyfriend over and they're kissing in the kitchen!"

At least Fengjun was right this time because Minghao was now Junhui's boyfriend. Without the space. 

a/n: double update and happy junhui day once again !! ❥

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