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MINGHAO should be afraid about the potential consequences when it came to not listening to his mother, but, he knew he had his father on his side so things were slightly balanced out

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MINGHAO should be afraid about the potential consequences when it came to not listening to his mother, but, he knew he had his father on his side so things were slightly balanced out. He came to the realization that Jun was a year older than him, the cold weather was slowly transitioning into a warmer season due to spring coming along. Sure, the rain was definite but - he came to the more important conclusion that with the year coming to an end, Jun would have to leave him for college. He only had one year left of high school and time went by quickly. He wanted to thank Jun, and of course, spend more time with him as he's changed his perspective drastically.

It's been forty-eight after the incident broke out, his mother still angry at him giving her son the silent treatment. He still practiced the violin, forced himself to sit at their piano, and run his fingers across the keys. But, he had better plans for the night though they had to attend classes the next morning. Jun and Minghao had everything planned, it was never said but Jun actually has his driver's licenses. He just prefers walking as he thinks it's better to receive fresh air and move around freely since sitting behind the wheel can be tiring. After exchanging numbers as Instagram was being annoying with their notifications, they planned to go out and venture during the night once again. It didn't matter where they were going for Minghao, as long as they were together.

Which sounded cheesy as he would admit, but he truly meant his words. Jun made him happy, in all the senses and maybe there was a better word to describe it. But, he was afraid to jump ahead as he's discussed his minor issues with his feelings with Soonyoung and Wonwoo in their group chat. Of course, Wonwoo has to congratulate Minghao for finding a potential crush unintentionally as he used to be the boy who glared at each student who walked past him. While Soonyoung sent an abundance of keyboard smashes, which was nothing new. They both were different when it came to relationships, the two boys actually have never dated anyone before.

Except for Soonyoung, he did admit that he dated a girl back in middle school. But, since they were young and dumb he claims it never counted as a real one. Wonwoo gave a lot of advice, which was expected. Minghao read his messages thoroughly and tried his best to convey what he felt with Jun. Special was constantly used, he started getting annoyed with himself as maybe he was just afraid of using a daring word.

Jun was attractive, in both the sense of personality and appearance-wise. He has a great attitude, is humorous and kind. The brunette was handsome, he has a charming smile and he never told Jun this but - he's actually caught the boy singing. Maybe he was unconscious about it, but his vocal range went pretty high which surprised Minghao, he liked it - thought it was unique to his image as the boy somewhat had a deeper voice. Wonwoo and Soonyoung weren't gonna force Minghao to say that he liked Jun, though it seemed as if that was the case. They simply helped him come to a conclusion with his feelings, which was: a potential crush on Wen Junhui.

It was a great start since Minghao never seemed like the type to be invested in relationships. But, he felt as if it was his time to blossom out and engage in those types of things. There was no need to rush, but with Jun graduating in about a year, he didn't want to risk anything.

With Jun, things were different. He liked Minghao, more than a friend of course. Fengjun was good at implying the message, but Minghao didn't seem to catch on which he was slightly grateful for since he should be able to confess himself. But, he realized he took interest in Minghao the day Jun exposed his stressful duties about being captain. Maybe it because he had a sense of familiarity with someone, that he wasn't alone and they'd be able to talk it out if he'd gain the chance. Then, it came to their hang out  Sneaking out was a rush, except for when his little brother caught him in the midst of entering back into their residence.

Minghao and he were oddly comfortable with each other, although they haven't spent much time together before. Jun appreciated that he was able to be himself - he didn't need to impersonate Wen Junhui, captain of Pledis Academy's volleyball team. He just needed to be himself, Wen Junhui. The one and only. He had friends who treated him the same, for example, Joshua. He didn't care for his label, he stuck around for many years because he simply liked being with Jun. But, Minghao just felt different.

Maybe it was because they found each other in such an odd situation, a hidden treasure that wasn't necessarily hidden but exposed. If Jun didn't decide to try out the weeb thought that lingered in his mind day, he maybe would have never known about Minghao. The sneaking out would have never happened, Fengjun and his mom meeting him, plus the planned meeting they have tonight. He likes Minghao, he was clear with his feelings but he was unsure of when to express his romantic emotions to the younger boy. He didn't want to be too late, nor too soon. But, he'd be ending his third year soon and graduating the next - so wanted to fasten his pace a bit.

He was waiting for Minghao to send him a message, the clock was about to strike eleven thirty-four p.m. Fengjun was going to help his older brother by opening the door once he returned back home, but he had to bribe the boy with ten bucks first for that to happen.

> commence the plan junnie!

Jun stared at the received message that popped up on his phone's screen, he wanted to shove a pillow into his face and scream due to the nickname used. But, there was no time for that as he needed to sneak out the front door to get to his car. Exiting his room slowly, he notices Fengjun peaking out his room, he probably was waiting for Jun to leave. Jun shuffles towards his brother, patting his head, "Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow. I'll send you a message to open the door."

Fengjun lets out a yawn, giving his brother a thumbs up. "Okay...have fun. Tell Minghao hyung I said hi."

"I will.." Jun promises, Fengjun then disappears into his room and the older brunette hurries downstairs - of course in a quiet manner. Once he reaches the front, he slips on a pair of black shoes and unlocks the door. Tugging on it gently, he waits until it detaches from its spot. Once there is a large gap that Jun can wiggle through, he quickly slips out and shuts the door in a delicate fashion to ensure the noise doesn't echo through his home. Rushing to his car, he grabs onto his car key and presses the unlock button. In the corner of his eye, he caught Minghao running over to him. Tackling him with an unexpected hug, "Hey Hao.." Jun greets with a light tone, he ruffles his hair. "You ready?"

"Of course I am." He says, removing himself from the boy and adjusting his bag. Jun opens the passenger's side door and allows Minghao to enter. The ravenette slips into the car, Jun then closed the door for him and jogged to the other side to enter the car as well. Buckling themselves up first, Jun enters the key into the ignition to start. The brunette turns his head to Minghao, though the sky was pitch black and there were many stars that twinkled above - Minghao's eyes won the contest for having the brightest sparkle. "Let's go?" Jun questions before switching the gear into drive.


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