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AFTER an hour or two of spending time at the mall, Minghao had informed Jun that he'd be heading off to see his parents after dinner to talk to them real quick

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AFTER an hour or two of spending time at the mall, Minghao had informed Jun that he'd be heading off to see his parents after dinner to talk to them real quick. Not wanting his guardians to worry, he promised Jun that he'd try to return as quickly as possible. Their drive back home was silent as Minghao had fallen asleep once they entered the car - but, his hand was still clasped onto Jun's while he slept.

"You better come home..." Jun mutters to himself, glancing over to the knocked out Minghao beside him. The time almost hit seven and he knew he was going to either get an ass-kicking by his mother or Fengjun. Yes, Fengjun because he was taking way too long to buy a mere bear.

With the music filling his ears and the background noises of the cars heading down the same street as him. Jun found his way into their neighborhood and parked his car in the designated spot that was right in front of their house. Jun removes his hand from Minghao's to set the car in park, once that is finished he unbuckles himself and undoes Minghao's seatbelt as well. Which leads to the metal jabbing into the boy's side. "Ow..." He whines, eyes refusing to open as there was still a bit of sunlight outside.

"Sorry sleepy head, but we're home." Jun smiles, removing the keys from the ignition and leaning over into the backseat to grab the stuffed animals they bought. "come on, let's go inside."

"Yeah..." Minghao yawns, holding onto the house-shaped box that held his froggie. Both boys exit the car and walk towards the entrance of Jun's home. Instead of getting out his keys due to himself being lazy, Jun rings the doorbell and it only takes a few seconds for Fengjun to answer.

"You're kind of late! Mom went to bring dad his dinner since he forgot it, I've been home alone for ten minutes!" Fengjun scolds, he points to the pizza boxes on the table, "we're having pizza, hope you don't care."

"I don't." As Jun kicks off his shoes, Minghao doesn't as he looks around. The brunette turns to Minghao and raises a brow as he didn't understand why he didn't remove his, "you okay?"

"I think I'm going to go talk to my parents." Minghao says, he gives Jun his frog to hold and the brunette takes it without any fuss. "they're probably going insane right now and I don't want to go too late."

"Alright, I hope things go well," Jun replies setting down his box, Minghao nods and gives him one last kiss before leaving. A lightbulb then goes off in Jun's head, he grabs the youngers wrist before he can exit their home and tells him to wait. He runs off into the kitchen, ripping a useless envelope that he got from a nearby drawer and scribbles down some numbers. Jun runs back to Minghao, handing him the piece of paper, "in case if something happens." Minghao clutches onto the strip of paper, nodding and shoving it into his pocket for safekeeping. Finally, Minghao leaves and he's gone from their sight. Fengjun, who has his arms crossed taps his brother's shoulder,

"Are you sure he's not going to get shipped away?"

"I'll throw your bear away." The older doesn't hesitate with his words.

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