Moving in

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Bettys Pov
*outside the dorm building*
         I stepped out of my taxi as the cold breeze hit my skin. I grabbed my my suitcase out of the trunk of the taxi, I brushed myself off and headed inside. I walked up to the front desk and the lady started talking,
(NA S=Sanctuary)
S: "hi how can I help you today?" She smiled
B: "hi I'm here to find out which dorm I'm in and to get my keys." I said softly smiling back
S: "may I have your name?" She asked
B: "Betty Cooper" I replied
S: "Here you are Ms. Cooper, your in room 212, your roommate is Jughead Jones and here are your keys." She answered placing the keys in front of me
B: "Thank you!" I grabbed the keys and went to the second floor and set off to find my dorm. Once I found my dorm after what felt like hours I swear this place is huge I unlocked and opened the to see a bunch of guys looking towards me.
J: "who are you?" A boy with raven hair locks asked me
B: "hi, I'm Betty Cooper I'm who ever lives here roommate." I said trying not seem scared, the boys around him started whispering and I couldn't quite make out what they were saying so I just stood there waiting.
J: "they didn't tell me I was getting a roommate." He said sternly
B: "well surprise cause I'm here now, could you just point to which room is mine and I'll be out of your way." I said annoyed at his manners
J: "that one" he said pointing to a door
B: "thank you." I said bluntly walking over to the door and walking inside. I felt them starring at me burning holes into the back of my neck. I just closed the door and looked at the beautiful room that laid infront of me.

(This is the room and there's a closet and stuff)After a couple minutes of just starring I start to unpack my things and get settled into my new home

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(This is the room and there's a closet and stuff)
After a couple minutes of just starring I start to unpack my things and get settled into my new home.
Jugs Pov
I was deep into my thoughts when archie pulled me out,
A: "damn Jughead has a new roommate at it's a hot girl" he said
Ch: "man you have to let me come hit that sometime." Chuck said all excited
R: "me too!" Reggie mentioned agreeing with him
J: "hey hey, if anyone's hitting that ass it's finna be me." I said with every ounce of confidence in my body
A: "yes that's my boiii" Archie said proudly
Ch: "how about a competition?" Chuck purposed
R: "I'm listening," Reggie said intrigued
Ch: "who ever gets into her pants first gets 100 bucks."
J: "make it 200 and I'm in"
Ch: "deal."
R: "Archie you joining in?" Reggie questioned
A: "next time guys" Archie replied
J: "if you say so, shake on it" I say and Reggie, Chuck and I shake hands implementing the bet.
This is gonna be so easy, I mean I'm gonna be living with her, and no girl can resist me. I'm Jughead Jones and I'm what people would say a player, I've slept with many girls leading them on and then never calling them again. What can I say it's fun to break their little hearts. Oh and did I mention how easy it is to. So what's gonna be so hard about breaking this girls heart? Nothing. She'll fall right into my trap like every other girl has.
Narratives Pov
*a couple hours later*
Betty Finally emerged from her room, wearing let's just say anything less than appropriate. She walked over to the kitchen to find a glass. All the boys eyes had turned and focused on her body, starring at her barely covered ass in the booty shorts she was wearing. Once Betty found the glasses she had soon realized that she couldn't reach them so she had faced her attention to the boys and scoffed
B: "what? Never seen a girl in shorts before?"
Ch: "hate to break it to ya princess but those are booty shorts, oh and I'm going to keep looking so there's no point in trying to stop me
B: "wow, boys are just getting worse now aren't they. Never call me princess again unless you really want me to kick you where it hurts the most. Don't underestimate me."
J: "okay then, what do you need? Your obviously only looking at us because you need something."
B: "I need one of you guys to reach a glass for me, I can't reach them."
J: "okay I'm coming"
Jughead gets up and walks over to her and grabs a glass and hands it to her.
B: "thank youuu"
J: "no problem"
Jughead walked back over to the couch taking his seat once more while Betty filled her glass with cold water and walked back to her room.
*1 hour later*
Jughead excused his friends and cleaned up the mess they had left. After he proceeded to walk over to bettys room and knock on the door
B: "hey what's up" Betty said opening the door
J: "hey, I just wanted to come and apologize for the way my friends acted towards you today and I wanted to tell you that if you need anything and I mean anything that my door is always open and you can always come to me for help or go to my room which is over there" jughead said in a friendly voice and pointed to his room
B: "awh thank you, that's very sweet of you and I promise you I will, now night"
J: "goodnight" jughead said smiling and he walks back over to his door
Betty closes the door and turns off the lights simply flopping onto her bed falling straight into a deep sleep.
Jugheads Pov
I walk into my room closing the door and walking over to my closet taking off my shirt leaving my sweatpants on and putting my shirt in the hamper. I couldn't help but think about how easy it was gonna be to break bettys heart. I mean she won't see it coming, all I have to do is get her to trust me which can't be that hard. I walk over and turn off my lights and get into Betty falling asleep with one thing on my mind...
Word count not including this 1068
This is my first au ever so I'm sorry that it's bad
I don't know if anyone is going to read this but if you do tell me what you think
I'll post the next part when I can I hope you enjoyed this crap🥺
Also this isn't edited or reread I'm publishing this at 12 am so bare with me

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