The date🥺 pt. 1

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Bettys Pov
I woke up the sound of my alarm going off at 7 am, I sat up and then quickly smiled, remembering what today had in store for me.

I got up and put on some running clothes and went for a jog to get my adrenaline pumping as if it wasn't already. When I walked back into the dorm I saw jug cooking.

"Wow nice morning view for me" he said staring at my boobs, I look down and laughed. "Dont get to comfortable with this juggie" I replied walking back to my room. (Shes Imma sports bra yk)

"Won't make any promises" he yelled and I giggles. I went and hopped in the shower to clean off. I mean I didn't want juggie to smell me all stinky and sweaty that's gross.

Once I got out I wrapped myself in a towel. I walked into my room and over to my closet. I looked for something to wear that was flattering but was something you would wear in the morning.
Jugheads pov
When Betty walked into the dorm from her run I'm not gonna lie my eyes went straight to her boobs, i mean who's wouldn't. They are literally perfected.

Seeing her made me smile, she made me remember about what we had today, a date. Omg I can't wait, that makes me sound so girly but I can't help it, I'm actually really excited for today and I have the perfect date planed, I just hope she likes it.

I plate the bacon and eggs on 2 different plates thinking about what to wear for later, I set the plates down on the table and put a fork and butter knife next to each plate.

I go and get a cup of apple juice for Betts because I've noticed that she likes it and I get a cup of water for myself and put them next to
The plates.

I clean up the kitchen while I wait for her to come out of her room for breakfast.
Bettys Pov
I pick out black sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie to wear since it's still morning and I do my hair into a high ponytail.

~Bettys Pov~I pick out black sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie to wear since it's still morning and I do my hair into a high ponytail

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Her outfit :)

I walk out of my room and over to the kitchen and dinning table and smiles, "you gave me apple juice" I said with heart eyes while sitting at the table.

"Mmhmm, I noticed it's your favorite princess" he replied as he sat down. "It is juggie" I said smiling at him and I started eating. He smiled back and also started to eat.

This made me really happy, he made me really happy. I drank some of my apple juice smiling at him, and then he opened your mouth. "I just thought you should know you look really cute right now, you lil Cutiepie" I couldn't help but blush at his comment.

I then giggled and said "thank you juggie, now if you'll excuse me I have something important to get ready for" I said and he nodded. "I'll see you later then cutie" he said as I picked up my plated and cup and took it too the sink.

I blushed again then securing away to stop the embarrassment. I closed my door as I entered my room and then got out my outfit. I quickly changed and took down my hair.

I did my hair and then my makeup, I put on some perfume and then took some mirror selfs at sent them to Veronica and Cheryl.
*text messages*
B: *the photos*
V: omg yes get It girl you look so fucking hot, I mean I would fuck you.
B: omg Vee- thank youuu though
*other text messages*
B: *the photos*
C: omg I didn't know you were this hot cousin
B: omg shut up
C: I'm joking, get it boo, and use protection please no babies running around yet.
*out of text messages*

I laughed at Cheryl's last text and decided to post the photos on Instagram and so I did with the caption, "im the reason he's not gonna be answering tonight😘"
Jugheads Pov
I walk back to my room and closed the door and went to go look for an outfit, one that isn't too hot but isn't too soft.

I look through my closet when i get a notification. I check my phone and see arch sent me one of bettys posts.

I open the notification, damn she looks hot. I click on her post and she did not lie at all in the caption. But she didn't lie for a reason.

I like her post and comment "I'll see you tonight babygirl" and throw my phone on the bed and go back to looking for an outfit.

I like her post and comment "I'll see you tonight babygirl" and throw my phone on the bed and go back to looking for an outfit

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Jugs outfit but the jacket is his iconic dark blue one

I finally picked out the perfect outfit. I changed into the outfit and messed up my hair a little bit. I decide to not wear my beanie and so I left it on my night stand and put on my shoes.

I grabbed my phone, keys and wallet. I left my room and waited for betty to leave her room.

As I was scrolling through Instagram, I heard a door open and close and I looked up and my mouth dropped. "Hi" betty giggled.

I smiled, "you look amazing betts" she blushed once those words left my lips. God she's adorable.

"Shall we go now" I say gesturing for her hand. She smiles and takes it. I hold her hand and take her out to my car.

Once we get there, I open her door for her and she gets in. I close her door and go to my side and also get in and I drive to the restaurant.
Word count not including this 966
Sorry for this taking so long, I've just been really stressed and been going to marches
Please tell me what you liked and don't forget to vote
I'll work on the next chapter soon, it's gonna be the actual date
Again I'm sorry this took me so long
And thank you for 3k reads it means a lot

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