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Bettys Pov
I turn my phone over and see it's a message from Instagram. I open the message and see that chuck is asking asking me out, okay then.

"Who texted youuuu" jug asked and I giggled "you're friend chuck asked me on a date for tomorrow night" I said looking at him

"Tell him you're busy" he said, I looked at him confused. "But I'm notttt" I said, jughead then said "you are now" I looked at him confused still and texted chuck saying I'm busy.

"He said doing what, what do I say juggie" jughead looked at me and then smirked a little, "tell him you have a date with me tomorrow" my mouth dropped.

"I-I what" I said sister shocked. "You heard me, you have a date with me" he said smirking. I'm internally screaming right now. I can't believe jughead just asked me on a fucking date.

I text chuck and tell him that I have a date with jughead and then I put my phone down. I could feel myself blushing but I didn't bother to hide it.
Jugheads Pov
I smirk as I watch her blush, she's so adorable I just can't. The way her face lit up when I told her we had a date but how shocked she was when I told her was perfect.

I wish I could see that reaction everyday of the week. It's literally perfect. I clean up the table as she stands up. "I'm gonna go to Veronica's now" she says and i nod.

"I'll see you later princess" I say and she smiles, I watch her walk out the door and close it when I call archie.

"Hey man, what's up" Archie asks me. "I have a date with Betty tomorrow night" I say happy, "awwww Jones is catching feelings" I could feel archie smirking through the phone.

"Oh shut up" I say mad, "awww you know it's true jones" my anger kept expanding. I don't know why but him saying that just makes me angry.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting vulnerable for once in my life with someone, but that's scary. "Just stop it." I say and hang up.

I go to my room and lay down on my bed to take a breather. I mean what if I am falling, what am I gonna do then, what if she hurts me, or what if I hurt her, oh god I can't think anymore.
Bettys Pov
I walk out and head over to Veronicas dorm smiling. When I got there I saw archie leaving, perfect I thought to myself. I skipped over to him and stopped him from closing the door.
"Thanks arch" I said walking in and shutting the door behind me. He looked shocked as I walk in and so I giggled at him. I wonder where he's going. Eh who cares.

I walk down the hall way into Veronicas room, "guess what vee!" I said shouting basically as I entered her room. "Whatttt bee" she said sitting up. "I have a date with jug tomorrow" I said squealing, once she heard that she squealed too, "come here!" She yelled at me and I went and sat on her bed.

"I want details now." She demanded. I started to tell her everything that had happened in the past 2 days and then she stopped me, "was he good at it" she said referring to him fingering me. I nodded and laid back onto her bed "he was amazing Vee, it was everything a girl could dream of" I said smiling.

"Okay continueeee" she said, I continued to tell her everything squealing at some points, the one thing I excluded was the cutting and the rape story, I just didn't want to ruin this moment with all my baggage. I mean I'll tell her at one point just not now.

"Vee I need your help, I don't know what to wear tomorrow and I'm scared because what if he doesn't even like me and this is all just a dare or something" I said Freaking out, "hey hey it's okay I'm here, and if it is I'll beat his ass, or I'll have my daddy put a hit on him, whatever
makes you feel better" she says in a calm but like I'm gonna kill him voice.

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