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Bettys Pov
I wake up, in someone's arms. I look up confused but once I saw it was jughead I smiled and snuggled back into him. Oh and let me tell you, damn this boy is comfy.

I draw on his abs with my finger until I hear him say, "you like them, huh?" I turn red like a tomato, I didn't even know he was up.

"How long have you been up" I force out, I could barely talk from embarrassment. "Long enough to see you look up confused and then smile when you saw me" he says softly playing with my hair.

I hide my face in his chest from embarrassment, like can you even imagine what it feels like to have your hot roommate see you smile because you see him.

I could literally die from embarrassment right now. "Don't be embarrassed princess" He says, I shake my head no and he chuckles.

I keep my head there for a couple minutes until he finally speaks, "hey betts I have a question" he says in a soft voice. I look up at him and nod.

"What happened last night, why did you wake up and have a panic attack" he says stroking my hair softly.

I look into his eyes "I had a nightmare of the n-night I-it first happened, and w-when I woke up I-I could f-feel h-his hand around my t-throat and I could feel h-him choking m-me" I say struggling to get out and my voice breaking.

"Oh baby" he said sitting up and sitting me up along with him and hugging me. I hug him back tightly and snuggle into him. He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head and slowly rocks me.

I've honestly never felt so safe in my life, oh and he fucking called me baby, like OMFG. I have to tell Vee everything later, everything except the rape and cutting, I can tell her that later.
Jugheads Pov
After about 30 minutes of holding her and slowly rocking her I kiss the top of her head and say, "are you hungry princess?"

She nods, "okay, I'll go make pancakes and you can get dressed okay?" I say and she nods again.

I get up and place her down softly on the bed and leave the room closing the door. I go and make pancakes and couldn't help but smile.

I mean I just slept in the same bed as her, the girl I can't get out of my mind. Oh and we cuddled not to mention she smiled when she saw it was me.

How fricking adorable was that I mean I can't even. I just wish I could kiss her, I mean just at least once. That's all I want. One kiss.
Bettys Pov
I smile as I watch him place me down and leave the room. He mad me feel safe, but not like anyone else has before.

Just the touch of his finger could make me relax. Just knowing that he was there and I'm not alone, and won't be.

I smile even more if it's even possible and get up and walk over to my closet. I look through it to find the perfect outfit.

Something comfortable that will look good on me for him but I like to wear for Veronica's.

Something comfortable that will look good on me for him but I like to wear for Veronica's

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Bettys outfit😌✋

I pick out this green and white dress and it's perfect, I slip it on and look in the mirror. I look perfect. For once in my life.

I put on a necklace and a belt to tie the look together and do my makeup and cover up my scars. I take some time to straighten my hair and brush it out nicely.

I put on some cute stud earrings and some boots to match the outfit. Jug comes and knocks on the door sayings,

"Breakfast is ready when you are princess."
I squeal to myself when I hear him walk away. I love it when he calls me nicknames it's adorable.

And he's so caring, I don't think one guy has ever cared about my feelings as much as he has, it makes me feel so loved and safe.

I get up and leave my room and walk over and over to the table and sit down next to him. He smiles at me and i return a smiles.

More and more butterflies are appearing in my stomach as we sit there, we start eating and he asks, "where are you going looking like that?"

He confuses me and so I saying "looking like what juggie" "looking stunning" he says smiling.

I start blushing and his smile turns into a smirk faster than you can say bye. "Shhhhhh" I say hiding my face in my hands.

"Noooo I wanna see you're face princesa" he says, "fineeee" I say uncovering my face, he smiles and responds "now where are you goingggg"

"I'm going to Veronica's jug" i say drinking some apple juice. "Oh okay" he says relieved. Was he worried I was going to see someone else I asked myself. And then my phone dinged.
Word count not including this 866
Sorry that it took me so long to update
I would have written more but I had to leave y'all on a somewhat like cliffhanger
Make sure to comment your thoughts because why not
Also what do you wanna see
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