why pt 1.

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
suicide attempt
bettys pov
I woke up, sitting up hesitating. rubbing my eyes shortly after. the grief in my heart almost seeming too strong.

I got up, fixing cheryls bed quietly. I left her room and saw hers and veronica's clothes scattered across the kitchen. I chuckled to myself.

I walked into the kitchen. heading my way over to the cabinet over the fridge. I went on my tippy toes and opened it. taking the box out of it.

I opened the box taking cheryls meds out of them, she won't need these I thought to myself seeing the whole bottle was full.

I then quickly walked out of the kitchen and grabbed the keys to my dorm and quickly left, arriving at my dorm shortly after.

I walked inside quickly and snuck into jugs room and into his bathroom. grabbing his razor and quietly left and went into my room, closing the door behind me.

I walked over and sat at my desk, getting out a my diary and pen, opening to a fresh page, putting my pen to paper and writing.

i'm sorry.
i'm done, thank you to everyone who's been my friend and who's stuck by my side through all of this. if your reading this it's too late, ive taken them pills, i've slit my wrists, i'm going to rest, to finally be happy, and if some how I survive which I doubt bc my mom will be too drunk to realize, i'm probably gonna be going somewhere. I love you guys so much and please don't blame yourself if you are planing on it, it's just been too much for too long, ive tried to stay, I really have, but it's time for you to let me go.
(that's actually my note just not the i've slit my wrists)
⚠️gonna get graphic⚠️

I left the diary there like that, got up and went into my bathroom. I put the pills down on the counter and ran the bath. I closed the door and took the blade of his razor.

I ran it across my finger, nothing. I applied a little pressure. soon my finger started bleeding. I smiled to myself. slowly taking my clothes off after.

I grabbed the bottle of pills and got into the bath. the warm water pressing against my skin. I opened the bottle of pills, taking them with some of the bath water. who cares anyways, it's my last hour anyways.

I dropped the empty bottle of pills onto the floor and stretched out my arm. I took the razor and pressing it against my wrist harshly sliding down my arm. I screamed in pain and started panicking as I saw all the blood gush out of my arm.
narratives pov
betty screamed, waking jughead up. he sat up in confusion wondering who was screaming until it clicked in his head. it was betty. he got up quickly running out and into bettys room trying to figure out what's wrong.

once he walked into her room, it was dead silent. jug walked over to the open diary, picking it up. he didn't want to be nosey but he wanted to know why she was screaming.

he looked at her writing and started reading shortly after he mumble "fuck" and dropped the diary and ran into the bathroom. seeing her covered in her blood past out.
word count not including this 567
sorry it's short I just am going through a lot with my own mental health and so it's been really hard to write and find time
please tell me what you think in the comments
don't forget to vote babes😼✨
i'll post the next part as soon as possible I promise

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