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There's cursing in this one
Jugheads Pov
"Juggie I'm back!!!!" I sit up not thinking this was real, I never thought I'd hear that high pitched slightly annoying voice ever again. I turned and saw her...

I get up and walk out of my room and into the living room, "what the absolute fuck are you doing here!" I yell. "What you didn't miss me?" She said, I roll my eyes.

"Why not juggie, last time I was here you couldn't keep your hands off me" she said giggling at the end, then as if it couldn't get worse I hear "um hi" come out of Bettys voice.

This really is happening to me, right now? Out of all the times it could be happening it's now. "Well maybe bc no one misses the girl who walked out when things got just a little tough and broke their heart!" I yell at her.

"Oh come on juggie you can't still be mad at me for that, you love me don't you" she looked at me, I clenched my fists at the sound of her voice.

"Actually I can be and I will be! And I'm not just mad at I hate your guts. You broke my heart when I let you in, you were the first person I ever trusted like that you just took that and broke it into a million pieces! So no I don't love you anymore and frankly I want you to get the fuck out!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes...

"Fine but you know you always have my number if you miss me or just miss my body" she says as she walks out, I look back at betty. "Juggie, w-who was
t-that" she said, her voice breaking.

That broke my heart, I can't stand to see her upset, it hurts too much, I walk over and pick her up "no one princess, she's no one" I say and walk into my room.

She nods as I close the door and turn off the lights. "Ready for bed baby" I say laying down. "mmhmm" she says snuggling into me, I smile and pull the covers over us and close my eyes, slowly drifting asleep afterwards.
Bettys Pov
I walk out of my room to sew jug, fighting with this girl, she's really pretty, but I don't know who she is, I've never seen her before. "Um hi" I spit out and jugs looks at me and then back at her.

As I'm listening in to their argument it seems to me that they use to be lovers, my mind started to drift, I clenched my waist at the thought of them dating, I mean she was way prettier than me and he could leave me for her any day.

I clench my waist harder and just start to dig my nails into my palms, my thoughts racing at the beat of my heart, I couldn't control anything, I felt helpless. Once she left I got out "Juggie w-who was
t-that" my voice breaking.

I'm terrified of what he's gonna say, he could say anything, he could leave me right now for her if he wanted to, I mean she would give him what I wouldn't, my thoughts kept racing until he walked over and said, "it's no one princess, she's no one." As he picked me up and carried me into his room.

I decided to go with that because truly, that's what was easiest, and so I wrapped my legs around him and snuggled into him as he turned off the lights, "ready for bed baby," he asked me as he laid down, me on top of him, "mmhmm" I said snuggling closer into him and closing my eyes.

But my thoughts wouldn't slow down, they were still racing, so I just laid there letting them speed up and slow down, as I was engulfed by emotions, it took me a couple hours to fall asleep. When woke up, I didn't feel jug under me so I patted around and he wasn't there.

So I sat up and rubbed my eyes and looked around, no one was in sight, it's like they all had disappeared. I got up and stretched and walked out into the living, not making a sound, I saw the three of them right there, and I heard something no girl ever wants to hear...
Word count not including this 740
Another cliffhanger? Yes
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The next part will be out as soon as possible I promise

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