Beach trip pt 2.

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
Slight smut warning
Bettys Pov
Once we got to the beach, me and Vee basically ran faster than lighting to find a place to sit and tan. (Idfk i cant tan I just burn but girls love it so) At least I do, I don't want anyone noticing my cuts, I can't have anyone notice my cuts. Once we find a place I see the boys walking over laughing probably at the fact of how fast we ran just to tan. Oh well, I took off my dress and put it in my bag and laid down my towel. I smiled at cami and laid down on my stomach, hiding my arms ofc and she laid down with me closing her eyes.
Jugheads Pov
When me and archie walked over to the girls, they were already tanning, I mean... boring. I couldn't help but stare at Betty though, she looked so good in that bathing suit. I mean I could just rip it off her body right now and fuck her. I lay my towel down and run to the water with Archie pushing him in. Tackling him and keeping him under water for a couple seconds.
*an hour later*
Me and archie are still fighting when we look at the girls who are still tanning and then back at each other and smirk.
Narratives Pov
Archie goes and runs over and picks up veronica, running and throwing her into the ocean as she screams. Jughead runs over and goes and picks up Betty, walking over to the ocean and Betty moves around in his arms
J: *laughs* "what's wrong princess doesn't want to be thrown in?"
Jughead smirks at the fact she let him call her princess and throws her in as she screams. Betty comes up her backing facing him and her covering her boobs
J: "what's wrong princesa?"
B: "my top came off, that's what's wrong and it's your fucking fault"
J: "oh don't worry I'll find it"
Jughead says diving in and looking for her top. Sooner than later he finds him in and comes up behind her.
J: "let go princess"
Betty nods and let's her arms loose. Jughead starts to put on her bikini top and softly squeezes her boobs and whispers in her ear
J: "is that okay babygirl"
Betty nods and softly moans at his touch. Jughead smirks and starts to kiss her neck as Betty tilts her head giving him more access. Jughead finishes putting on her top and whispers into her ear
J: "we can continue this mamas"
Chills send through bettys body as she nods not knowing what awaits her. He lets go and walks over to archie talking about the events that just occurred as Veronica ran over.
V: "what the hell was that bee!"
B: "I don't know" Betty said shrugging
V: "omggggg, is there something going on there???"
B: "I don't knowww, maybeee" Betty said giggling
V: "awhhhh baby coop is growing up"
B: "shutttt uppppp"
*switching to archie and jugs conversation*
J: "as much as I loved touching her, I did notice something on her arms"
A: "what did you notice bro?"
J: "straight lines on her arms, straight across in a row"
A: "wait like cut marks"
J: "yeah but some over lapping scars, do you think she cuts?"
A: "well maybe, does she do anything that would make you think she does"
J: "the other day she was, she stayed in her room for hours straight and didn't come out for water or anything and locked her door."
A: "maybe you should talk to her about it but make sure she knows she doesn't have to talk about until she's comfortable but you have to care and you should call off the bet, she's obviously hurting"
J: "okay okay, and I will I will."
Jughead started to feel sympathetic for Betty, he didn't want to hurt her, he wanted to be there for her. In more than a friend way. A couple hours later they all decided it was time to go home and headed off from the beach, walking Archie and Veronica to their dorm and then walking to theirs.
Word count not including this 705
Sorry for it being so short
I'll post as soon as possible I promise
And to my friends reading this, here you go bitches
Comment your opinions on this part please🥺

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