The bathroom

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⚠️smut warning⚠️
Bettys Pov
You could cut the sexual tension between us with a knife, we walked down the hall in an awkward silence.

I couldn't help but think about him pinning me against a wall and ripping my clothes off, it just sounded so Appealing. For the first time.

I wanted him to be my first time with consent, no one else but him, hopefully that would come true. Sooner than later, ya girl can't wait.

He opened the door for me and I smiled at him walking in. He smiled back which warmed my heart, and then he broke the silence.

"Hey betts, can we talk later?" He asked me, using a nickname I've never heard before but I liked it, "ofc juggie, I'm just gonna go take a bath" I said smiling.

"Okay see you later" he said returning the smile as I walked to my room and closed the door not locking it this time...

I walked into the bathroom slipping off my dress and turning on the bathtub Fossett. I closed the door slipping off my bikini.

I slipped into the warm water, closing my eyes. I relaxed finally forgetting about all my pain, but not forgetting about jug, i couldn't get him off my mind, like he was glued there.
Jugheads Pov
I heard the running water, I'm not gonna lie the thought crossed my mind. The thought of going in there and touching her.

My fingers against her soft beautiful skin, pleasing her in ways she couldn't imagine. I want her and I want her now.

I heard the water turn off, I walk over to her door, slowly opening it not making a sound. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked on it softly.

"Come in" Betty said softly. I opened the door and walked in, closing the door softly and walking over to her taking a seat.

I looked her at her and asked softly "may I". She looked at me seeing me gesturing towards her body, she looked me in the eyes and nodded.

I slipped my hand under the water and down her body as she let out a soft moan. I put my hand on her thighs slowly widening them for better access.

I trailed my hand up her inner thigh as I watched her bite her lip. I started to rub her clit and she let out a small moan, like she's never been touched this way before.

(I sent my friend this and she really asked if they were abouta fuck)

I started to tease her entrance by pushing only the tip of one of my fingers into her. I watched her tilt her head back when it got me thinking, was she a Virgin.

I couldn't just leave her like this, all help less and horny, the thought crossed my mind but that would be mean, even tho it was my brand.

I just decided to keep going and just smirked at her as she rolled her eyes. She knew I loved how much control I had over her with just my touch, a soft touch of a finger.

I start to pump one finger in her and she looses it. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and she moans loudly, arching her back a little.

Damn she was a Virgin for sure, or at least to this kind of pleasure. I curl my fingers to meet her g-spot and she fully arches her back as she closes her eyes.

She's a literally moaning mess and I'm barely doing anything, god this is gonna be fun. I pump one more finger into her going faster than before, and curling my fingers meeting her g-spot everytime.

"I-I'm g-gonna c-cum" she finally got out through all the moans escaping her mouth and I just speed up, saying "let go princess".

As I said that she came on my fingers, I helped her ride off her high and then pulled out my fingers as she whimpered at the loss of friction.

I just smirk at her. "That good huh?" I ask being an asshole. "Oh shut up" she said hitting my arm. "Fine, fine, fine. I'll go now, we have to talk later tho princesa"

She nods and I get up and dry off my hands and leave her bathroom, walking out of her bedroom and closing the door softly.

Bettys Pov

Holy shit. That just fucking happened. My roommate aka the hottest guy I know just came in and fingered me.

Thankfully he did, I mean I was gonna explode, but i need and want more. I want all of him. Every single inch of him. And I mean every.

I get out and wrap a towel around myself after drying off. I walk into my room and look through my closet to find something to wear, not even thinking about cutting, but the ravened haired boy in the other room.

 I walk into my room and look through my closet to find something to wear, not even thinking about cutting, but the ravened haired boy in the other room

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Bettys outfit ☝️

I put on a hot. Red and white outfit and I actually look really hot. I know it's 5 pm and the day is basically over but I'm not gonna stay here.

Not after what just happened, I mean I don't want it to be awkward. Then it hit me, jug wants to talk me, and I look like this. Fuck me.

I grab my phone, keys and wallet and walk out of my room, when jug stops me. "Hey we need to talk" he says in a sincere voice.

"Later, I'm going shopping juggieeeeee" I say in a begging voice. "Betts this cant wait, it's important" he says looking into my eyes.

He looks like he actually cares, I just nod. "Okay on the balcony??" He asked gesturing towards it. "Okay juggie" I say walking over to the balcony.

I open the balcony door and go and sit on the swinging seat (idk what they're fucking called). He walks over and sits next to me and takes my hands looking me in the eyes.

This is it brothers☝️😌🔫-Word count not Including This 1013-I hope you guys like this part😌🔫-Comment your thoughts please-I'll post the next part as soon as possible

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This is it brothers☝️😌🔫
Word count not Including This 1013
I hope you guys like this part😌🔫
Comment your thoughts please
I'll post the next part as soon as possible

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