why pt.3

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Cheryls pov
I started to calm down finally, veronica stroking my back. I sat up in her lap wiping my eyes. tears still streaming down my face. veronica helped me wipe them, making me smile just the slightest bit.

"Now tell me what happened," veronica said looking me in the eyes, continuing to rub my back again. using the same pace as she was comforting me. I looked at her, opening my mouth to say something.

nothing came out. it was like I couldn't bring myself to say it. I couldn't bring myself to reality to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe the fact that I could lose my best friend. my closest relative. one of the only people who actually care.

"Hey hey, it's okay. take your time baby" veronica says in a soft, reassuring voice. trying to comfort me. almost walking on eggshells around my feelings. I hated that. I hated that she felt she needed to do that. she felt the need to treat me differently.

As I started to finally calm down, veronica looked me in my eyes as she rubbed my back. I knew she wanted to know what was wrong but I didn't know how to tell her. I didn't know how to tell her that when she was with me having a good time her best friend tried to overdose.

That she felt that she wasn't good enough to have the gift of life and had to take it away from herself, and Veronica wasn't there to hold her and comfort her and tell her that she deserved to live. That she deserved to be happy, that she deserved to have a smile on her face.

I looked at her, wiping my tears as I opened my mouth, I knew I had to tell her. She deserved to know, but the words wouldn't come out. I couldn't tell her. my stomach dropped, the fear of telling her aching throughout my body, telling her had become my worst fear.

"b-betty t-tried t-to k-kill h-h-herself" I got out choking on tears. Veronicas face dropped, "w-w-what" she said to me. tears forming in her eyes, I nodded trying to stop myself from crying. "I was with you having a good time while my best friend, tried to kill herself," she said, anger forming in her voice.

She took me out of her and got up, I got up. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't know" I stuttered out, looking at her. "know? none of us knew! no one saw this coming but instead of being with her when she needed me the most, I was with you! I should have been with her! Not you! I should have been telling her how much she means to me and telling her how much I love and need her but instead, I was having useless sex with you!" she basically screamed at me.

I took a step back processing what she just said to me, my heart just broke again. falling to my feet, I felt like throwing up right then and there. trying to hold me together as my heart just kept on getting stomped on. "she was hurting! she's hurting! but instead of paying attention to her, I was fucking paying attention to you! I was being fucking selfish! you were being selfish for not letting me be there for her when she fucking needed me! instead, you just had to have me! if I had slept with her, if I had held her, she wouldn't be dying!" veronica screamed at me again.

]+I looked at her with tears in my eyes, "this is all my fault" I yelled tears streaming down my face. "I love her too you know! it's not just you! and this is not my fault! I love her so fucking much veronica! how can you stand there and fucking yell at me like it's my fault! She's the only one in my family who actually gives a fuck about me and excepts me for who I am! no one else! you have no fucking right to tell me it's my fault! no fucking right" I scream at veronica, almost sobbing by now, she looked at me with what almost felt like hatred.

she opened her mouth, I shook my head and walked over. grabbing my keys and a jacket. putting it on and then quickly leaving, going to the hospital as fast as I could. when I walked inside, I saw jughead sitting in a chair, covered in Betty's blood, his foot tapping. I walked over, he looked as if he had lost all patience, but then again haven't we all.

As I got over to him, he got up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, tightly, I couldn't help it. I just needed a hug. I needed him to hold me and tell me it's gonna be okay but I think he's gonna need to hear that more than me. he started crying in my arms, I just let him. I rubbed him back, trying to comfort him the best I could in our situation.


a couple of days later


Jugheads pov


we were all here, just waiting. you could tell that we all needed sleep but we didn't care, we weren't gonna leave betty. we've all been in the waiting room, we didn't have the heart to see her like how she was, we were just waiting. we haven't heard anything, we just know their monitoring her none stop, watching her vitals, making sure they were all safe and healthy.

It's nerve-wracking, just waiting, not knowing if the girl your in love with is gonna make it or not if she's gonna live to see another day if you get to see her smile, even if it's just for one last time. not knowing if you were ever gonna hear her laugh again, afraid you'll forget her voice. its scary to think that the last thing you might have heard from the girl you love is her scream, her death-defying scream. seeing her in pain overlaps the memories of love, knowing the fact that she'll never know how much I love her, and how truly in love I am.

"for Elizabeth cooper!" I heard snapping me out of my thoughts, we all looked over, getting up and walking over to the doctor, concern plastered on all of our faces.

Word count not including this 1088
omg and she finally updates
yep another cliffhanger
is she dead or alive?
don't forget to vote and tell me what you think in the comments
i'll post the next part as soon as possible I promise

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