The talk

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
Bettys Pov
I watched him as he opened his mouth to say something. He gave me the feeling that it was something bad. Butterflies began to fill up my empty stop.

Things were racing through my head like was he gonna tell me that he used me, or that he doesn't want to do anything with me again, even that I was a bet... (I'm sorry)

All of that stopped when he said it. "Betts, I know you cut" I froze, it was like i was glued shut and I couldn't move.

I avoided eye contact with him, trying to not think about what he just said, "Betts, say something please" he said in what sounded like a sincere voice.

"H-how did you k-know" i asked looking into his eyes. "I saw the cuts on your arms earlier. I just want you to know you don't have to tell me anything until your comfortable or at all, just know that I'm here for you If you need someone to talk to"

I nod and hug him, I start to cry into his chest. He's surprised at first but he hugs back rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

The truth is I didn't know how to feel, no ones ever said anything like that to me before or known that I was hurting.

He moved me into his lap and I sat there crying for what felt like hours. He would occasionally kiss the top of my head and whisper cute things to me and tell me everything was gonna he okay.

For once in my life I didn't feel alone, and I felt like maybe there was a chance of happiness for me, a chance for me not to be in pain.

After what felt like an hour I stop crying and look up at him wiping my eyes. He looks down into my eyes and smiles at me. I smile back before opening my mouth.
Jugheads Pov
We were looking into each other's eyes when she opened her mouth to say something, "juggie there's some things I should tell you."

"Okay princess, you can tell me anything you need to" I say rubbing her back softly trying to sooth her. Hopefully it was working.

"Last year I had this boyfriend, he was my first boyfriend and he seemed really sweet and kind. Like he would never do anything to hurt me."

I could hear the heart break in her voice, I could seen the tears in her eyes. How much she was struggling to tell me. "It's okay princess take your time" I say comforting her.

She nods and continues "one day he invited me over, his parents weren't home and so I just went to his room like any other day, this time he-he pushed me onto the bed and forced himself onto me"

She barely finished that sentence before she started sobbing. I pulled her in close and held her. I whispered into her ear "it's okay princess your safe now, I've got you"

She cried into my chest for a while until she pulled away to say something. I played with her hair and looked into her eyes before she started to speak.

"H-he r-raped me m-multiple times and once h-he got me p-pregnant, when I t-told him about the b-baby h-he sent h-his f-friends t-to b-beat me u-up and cause m-me to h-have a m-miscarriage."

I clench my fist hearing that. That wasn't his choice to make, it was hers. I pull her into my chest and she starts to sob again.

"I'm so sorry princesa, that wasn't his choice to make and you didn't deserve any of that, I wish i could have protected you" I kiss the top of her head.

After an hour of her sobbing into my chest she finishes and pulls away. I look into her eyes and open my mouth to ask her one question.

"Does anyone else know this happened to you?" She shakes her head no to my question. "Okay princess your secret is safe with me,  I promise"

"Thank you juggie" she says snuggling into my chest like a little bean and I smile. "Ofc princess it isn't my secret to tell" I rub her back as she drifts asleep.

I smile at her and take her inside and to her room and lay her down in bed. I take off her shoes and put them away and put away her wallet and keys.

I plug in her phone and close the door. I take off my shirt and get in bed next to her because there is no way after that story that I'm letting her sleep alone tonight, especially if she has a nightmare.

I pull her close and she snuggles into me. I close my eyes and drift asleep, dreaming about the beautiful girl next to me.
Word count not including this 836
Sorry it's not 1000 words but it just felt right like this
Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts and i like to reply to them
Also express what you don't and want to see because who knows what I'll make happen🤷🏻‍♀️
I'll post the next part when I can

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