Getting over, not really

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
Smut is in this chapter
Bettys Pov
I laid there, staring off at the wall, my thoughts still bombarding me. I just couldn't get him out of my head, nor could I feel a thing, i just felt numb.

Cheryls hand stroking my hair, it was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Then the door opened. I moved my head quickly looked up.

I saw Veronica walk in, a wave of disappointment hit me, I mean I didn't really want him to walk in but I kinda did in a way. I honestly don't know at this point.

"I got ice cream and popcorn, a lot of ice cream" Veronica said walking over and placing the bags of ice cream down. She went to go get spoons and I looked in the bag.

I grabbed my favorite flavor and snuggled into Cheryl. The only thing that would make this moment better is that if Cheryl was Jug. Yeah I know he used me and doesn't want me but I can't help but love him. (YES I SAID LOVE)

"Here you go you babyyyy" Veronica said walking over to me and giving me a spoon. I giggled and took it. "What shall I we watch?" Veronica said sitting down and handing Cheryl a spoon.

"Romanceeeee" I said watching Veronica grab Cheryl and herself ice cream. "Which one babyy" Veronica asked, "hmmmmm.... Five feet apart" I say giggling a little.

"Bettys trying to make us cry Vee" Cheryl said laughing, "ikr!" Veronica said turning on five feet apart. I laugh, "I'm crying so y'all must cryyyy" I say watching the movie.
Narratives Pov
Around 2 hours later, Betty had fallen asleep in cheryls arms and Cheryl and Veronica were balling their eyes out. The movie finally ends and Veronica gets up and starts to clean up.

"I'll take her to my bed" Cheryl said softly and Veronica nodded. Cheryl got up, holding Betty and walked to her room. Laying her down in cheryls bed, softly pulling the covers over her.

Cheryl kisses her forehead softly and whispers "I love you so much cousin" (yes soft cher🥺). Cheryl walked out and turn off the lights, shutting the door softly after her, trying not to wake her up.
Boughta write some cheronica smut, the moment is right
Cheryls Pov
I walked out of the room, shutting the door slighty, then turning and looking up. Making eye contact with Veronica, I never noticed how beautiful her eyes are.

How her lips looked like soft pillows for mine, i could feel a gravitational pull towards her, I started slowly walking over to her.

Once I made it over to her, I looked down at her lips and then back up to her eyes once again, making eye contact with her soft brown eyes. Shortly after, our lips crash into each other's, my arms pulling her body up against mine.

Both of us, intensifying the kiss. I bite her lip softly, sliding my tongue into her mouth. Her soft moans escaping our kiss. I slide my hands down to her ass, softly squeezing her ass.

Making a moan leave her mouth, I smirk into the kiss, picking her up. She wraps her legs around me and grabs my face. I walk over to the kitchen, setting her down on the counter, letting my hands fall straight down to her thighs.

"I want you" Veronica says into the kiss, I pull away quickly, "I want you too princess" i said picking up my hands and tilting her head back and kissing her neck, leaving hickeys down her neck as she softly moans.

I pull away from her neck and take off her shirt, throwing it across the kitchen, quickly going back to leaving hickeys down her neck and down her chest. Moans leaving Veronica's mouth, sum louder than the others.

I move my hands back down to her thighs, slightly squeezing them and rubbing them up and down her thighs, making her moan a little. I pull away from her chest and look up at her and into her eyes.

"Are you sure you want this" I say softly, not losing eye contact with her. She nodded, as if she had lost her sense or words. "I need words baby" I say bringing my hand up to her cheek and softly stroking it with my thumb.

(Consent is words, not a nod. Make sure to always get consent no matter who you are and don't forget you can always revoke your consent in the middle of it. Stay safe my lil angels)

"Yes baby, I'm sure" Veronica said with a soft smile, I smile in return and say "okay, tell me if you want me to stop at any point", "I will" she responded.
Narratives Pov
Cheryl kisses Veronica's nose, shortly after taking off Veronica's shorts off and throwing them across the kitchen in the same direction as her shirt.

Veronica giggles and tugs on cheryls shirt. Cheryl takes it off and throws it across the kitchen. "Your gorgeous princess" Cheryl said making Veronica blush, "and extremely cute".

"Shhhhhhhhh" Veronica said. Cheryl laughs and kisses her, walking in between her legs, Veronica wrapping them around her. Cheryl picks her up and takes her to the couch, sitting down, Veronica in her lap.

Veronica wraps her arms around Cheryls neck. Cheryl biting Veronica's lip softly once again sliding her tongue in. Both of them intensifying the kiss and Cheryl sliding her hand down Veronica's stomach and slowly into her panties🙊

Cheryl starts to rub Veronica's clit slowly making Veronica moan softly into their kiss. Cheryl starts to rub faster, making Veronica moan a little louder.

Cheryl pushing the tip of her finger into Veronica, making her whimper and say into their kiss, "please"
Cheryl smirks and slides one of her fingers into Veronica, making her moan.

Veronica starts to roll her hips, moans leaving their kiss. Cheryl spreads her legs open and starts to pump her finger in and out of Veronica adding another finger into her.

Veronica pulls away from the kiss and pulls herself into Cheryl, closing her eyes as she moans louder. Cheryl smirks and speeds up. Louder moans escape Veronica's mouth as she starts to roll her hips faster.

Cheryl starts to rub Veronica's clit with her thumb again, "I-I'm c-close" Veronica struggled to get out as she moaned. "Okay baby" Cheryl said adding a third finger in pumping in and out faster.

Veronica moans loudly and cums onto Cheryls fingers, Cheryl starts to slow down riding off Veronicas high, slowly pulling her fingers out as Veronica softly whimpers.

Cheryl sucks her fingers clean, then getting up carrying Veronica. Cheryl carries Veronica into the guest room, laying her down on the bed (like on her back).

Cheryl walks into the guest bathroom, "where you goingggg" Veronica says in a tired voice. "One second baby" Cheryl says putting a towel under hot water.

Cheryl walks over and takes off Veronica's panties and softly cleans her up. Veronica smiles and Cheryl picks her up again and goes into the bathroom, "use the bathroom baby" Cheryl said putting her on the toilet and going and putting the towel in the hamper.
(Use the bathroom after sex, it helps prevent utis and shit.)

Veronica uses the bathroom and washes her hands. Then running out and putting on her panties and jumping into the guest bed. "Cuddlessss!!!" Veronica said making Cheryl laugh.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Cheryl said turning off the light and getting into bed, pulling Veronica close into her. Both of them closing their eyes and falling asleep quickly.
Words not including this 1269
That was some gay smut for all my gays😻✨
I'll post the next part as soon as possible
I'm shocked I'm done writing this part tbh
Don't forget to vote please and thank you so much for over 8k reads that's insane
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