Beach trip pt 1.

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Bettys Pov
I walked over to where all my makeup was and looked for some water proof foundation and color corrector (I barely know makeup so like Yeet). I literally couldn't find any so I started to freak out. I search through my closet and every draw but nothing. Absolutely nothing. And I already agreed to fucking go. Great.
Maybe they won't notice the cuts, I mean it's not like we're gonna be looking at my arms. Plus I don't even have to go in the water I could just tan. Actually that's a perfect plan, they won't notice my cuts because I'll be tanning and they'll be in the water. I walked over to my closet to find a bikini or something to wear, I haven't wore one since the incident and I don't even know why agreed to go. I don't know if I'll be able to wear a bikini out of my room. I started to breath heavily thinking about it, I started to loose my balance so i walked over and sat on my bed to catch my breath. I distracted myself by going on my phone for a while.
Jugheads Pov
As I was scrolling through her page I notice that at about a year ago she just stopped posting bikini photos and for a couple months she stopped posting at all. I thought this was beyond weird I mean why would she just stop posting what she usually would post and then stop posting at all, something felt off. I mean from March 2019 to September 2019 she stopped posting, nothing for months. You could have assumed she was dead, that she was not a person anymore if you were just looking into her life and never talked to her before. I decided to brush it off and leave the kitchen for my room, I mean I have a beach trip to get ready for anyways. I walked into my room closing the door but I couldn't get her off my head. What if something happened to her, did someone hurt her. Why would she stop posting for months all of the sudden, I walked over to
my closet and got out my red swim trunks and put them on along with a t-shirt. I grabbed and beach towel and went and laid on my bed once again thinking of the green eyed girl.
Bettys Pov
After 30 minutes of laying there I checked the time, fuck I thought to myself it's 2:30 and we leave in 30 minutes and I haven't even chosen a bathing suit yet, I got up and went through my whole closeting looking for one until I found the perfect bathing suit.

~Bettys Pov~After 30 minutes of laying there I checked the time, fuck I thought to myself it's 2:30 and we leave in 30 minutes and I haven't even chosen a bathing suit yet, I got up and went through my whole closeting looking for one until I found...

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That's her bikini👆

This is the dress👆I put on my bikini and then picked out a cute red dress to wear over it

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This is the dress👆
I put on my bikini and then picked out a cute red dress to wear over it. I put on the dress and grab some sandals to wear. I brushed out my hair and grabbed a bag, I put a towel, sun screen, tanning oil, my wallet and keys in my bag. I grabbed my phone and checked the time
and it was 2:55, perfect I finished just in time. I left my room and went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it up with water, I drank some while scrolling through Instagram waiting for them to show up.
Jugheads Pov
I put on my sandals and grabbed my phone and car keys. I heard the door bell ring and left my room to answer it to see Betty already at the door talking to them.
Narrators Pov
Betty was talking to archie and Veronica waiting for jughead when he walked up behind them.
J: "hey guys" jughead said scaring Betty and making her jump, making him laugh.
J: "oh did I scare you Betty"
B: "shut up, let's just go"
V: "yessss, I need a tan anyways"
J: "blah blah blah, lets go"
They all left and went to jugheads car, Archie in the front seat and Betty and Veronica in the back while jughead was driving, Betty and Veronica were talking about school while jughead and Archie were talking about the two behind them.
Word count not including this 702
Sorry it's no the full 1000 words and they're not at the beach yet I just thought I should update you with something so you have something to read.
I'll be posting part 2 as soon as possible I promise, I love you guys🥺
Don't forget to vote and comment on things you like and or things you want to happen

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