Wait what...

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
This talks about cutting I think and a little on rape so please don't read if it triggers you
Bettys Pov


I stood there in shock, tears forming in my eyes. Chuck's words repeating in my head over and over again. Like a broken record player, "dude, hows the bet going? Have you fucked her yet or do I still have a chance?" he had said laughing after.

Tears stream down my face, I couldn't move. "oh, I think her face answers my question" I heard chuck say, then he turned his head. "baby..." he said softly as he started to get up. I started to shake my head in disbelief, he couldn't have done this, he wouldn't have, right?

"Baby I'm sorry you heard that, but don't understand," he said softly while walking over to me. Oh no I understood everything exactly, I'm just a bet between his friends, that's all I am, and that's all I'll ever be. a useless bet. "no get away from me!" I yelled on the verge of crying.

Then I ran out, i couldn't believe this was happening to me and I didn't want to. I starting crying I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran as fast as I could to Cheryls. Once I got to her dorm I knocked on the door, trying to pull myself together.

Cheryl opened the door, "hey betty- oh cousin what's wrong" she said pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly, sobbing into her chest. I just couldn't do it anymore, anything and everything was for him. Not anyone else. only him. "j-jug" I managed to get out in between sobs.

"Shhh shhh its okay, I've got you," she said pulling me into her dorm and shutting the door. That made me sob even harder, remembering the night he held me tightly, calming me down from my nightmare. He's the only one whos even cared, yeah Veronica and Cheryl care but this, this was different, this felt different.

He's the only one whos knows what Travis did to me, he knows why I get my nightmares. He's the only reason why I stopped cutting, now that's gone. Everything is gone. "let it out Betts," Cheryl said sitting down and pulling me into her lap and holding me close, I just kept on sobbing.

All my thoughts running through my head made it worse, they wouldn't stop. He was all I could think about, but forbidden love am I right? Somethings just aren't compatible. Am I right? I guess we just weren't meant to be am I right? I mean who am I kidding, the player and the girl from the small town was never gonna work out anyways.

I was kidding myself. He wasn't gonna change for me, he's probably never gonna change. Why does it hurt so much? I fell like my heart has been shattered into a million pieces and its never coming back together. Why do we trust people, why give someone your heart knowing at the end of the day they're gonna just hurt you.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Cheryl said snapping me out of my thoughts. I sit up, wiping my tears, trying to catch my breath. "it's okay, take your time" Cheryl said rubbing my back. I nod, sniffling a little bit. "i-i-it w-w-was a-a b-b-bet" I managed to get out.

Tears started to escape my eyes, I couldn't hold them back much longer. "what was cousin?" Cheryl asked looking me in the eyes. I catch my breath, "t-t-the w-w-whole r-r-relationship w-was," I started crying again. "j-j-just t-t-to h-h-have s-s-sex w-w-with m-m-me" I manage to get out into between sobs.

Cheryl pulls me close again. "what the hell is wrong with that boy." Cheryl practically yells as I start to sob into her chest. "ugh, I'm calling vee" Cheryl says to me, I and continue sobbing into her chest.


Veronicas pov


I'm scrolling through Instagram when I see Cheryl's contact pop up, oh shes calling me I think to myself and answer, "hey Cher, what's up?" I ask. "Vee, Bettys and Jugheads relationship was a whole mother fucking bet between him and his friends to see who could get into Bettys pants first!" Cheryl said I could feel the rage in her voice.

I sat there in shock for a minute. I actually thought he changed. "what?! are you serious?!" I said in shock and rage. "yes really, this boy makes me want to fucking strangle him" Chery said. "I'm coming over but I have something to do first, bye Cher," I said getting up and walking out of my dorm.

I basically ran to jugs and Betty's dorm, walking straight in when I arrive. All three of them look at me. I point to chuck and Archie and say, "you two out. now." Chuck opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "not a god damn word. you don't want to make me angrier, so just get the fuck out."

I see them both give jughead a good luck look, they then get up and leave. I close the door after them and give jughead a death stare. "Veronica-" he starts to talk but I cut him off. "don't say a word to me. you disgust me jughead jones. Absolutely disgust me"

"you act like your this cool guy who can go around breaking innocent girls' hearts. when the truth is, your just a scared little boy whos too afraid to commit to someone. Or let anyone in, I get it. your a fucking pussy but making a bet to sleep with a girl is low. even for you."

"your treating women like were fucking objects, its pathetic. Betty let you in, she opened her heart to you. She probably told you things neither I nor Cheryl knows. Truly, what is fucking wrong with you. Why do this to a girl who doesn't fucking deserve it."

"She's a good person who fell for a bad guy, if I could go back and stop her I would. She doesn't deserve this pain. Betty cooper truly is too good for this world and way too fucking good for you. I swear to god if you have the audacity to try and fuck her, I will kill you, take that as a threat Jughead jones."

I walk off into her room and grabs some clothes for her and put them into a bag. I walk out of her room and then out of the dorm going to Cheryls. I knock on the door once I arrive then shortly walking in. "Hey Vee," Cheryl says as shes rubbing Bettys back.

"hey, I brought some of her clothes for couple days, I'm gonna go out and get ice cream and then ill be back," I said and Cheryl smiled and nodded. I put the bag down on the table and then turn around and leave to go get ice cream.

Words written not including this 1135
I finally updated yayyy
This took me two days to write how fun
Make sure to vote please and leave me your thoughts in the comments
I'll post the next part as soon as possible

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