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Bettys Pov
Our eyes met, we stood there for a minute until his mouth opened to say something. I walked to my room before he could say anything, I'm too tired to listen to him and I just wanna sleep. Once I enter my room I close the door and lock it and goes to my closet. I grab some booty shorts and keep on my sweater from earlier and turn off the lights. I get into bed and close my eyes slowly drifting asleep.
Jugheads Pov
As we stood there, looking into each other's souls. I wanted to ask her where she was but as I started to talk she walked to her room and locked the door. I pushed it aside, I mean why should I care anyways, she's not my property. I turn off all my lights and go to my room changing the sheets to fresh new ones and taking off my shirt so I'm just in sweatpants. I go and turn off the lights, as I get in bed I can't get Betty off my mind again, the way her hair flowed down to her shoulders as she walked, and that smile of hers. Fuck. Why am I thinking like this. You need to stop this Jughead. I tell myself that over and over again and fall asleep.
I wake up. Today is the day. I need to start getting close to her, and soon to be waking up in her bed, if you know what I mean. I need to do this before any of the other guys do, I mean 200$ is on the line. Then I came up with the perfect plan. A beach trip. Perfect way to get closer to her. I can get Archie to come so it doesn't seem like a date. I grab my phone and text Archie.
*text messages*
J: hey Archie I have the perfect plan.
A: what is it?
J: beach trip, so Betty can grow closer to me, she would never see it coming but I need you come so it doesn't look weird or like a date.
A: okay I'll bring Veronica.
J: who's Veronica?
A: my roommate her and Betty are best friends, yesterday they were having the best time at our dorm because you were Fucking Miranda.
J: ohhhh, that's where she was and okay bring her, around like 3
A: okayyyy we'll be there
J: perfect see ya.
*end of text messages*
Bettys Pov
I woke up, I look out the window, it's pretty cloudy but it's not too dark. I decide to get up and put on a sport bra and leggings forgetting about the cuts from yesterday. I grab my AirPods, phone and keys and I leave the dorm, putting on my favorite playlist and go on a 7 mile run. A little over an hour later I come back to the dorm and hop in the shower. I run my fingers along my cuts, feeling the warm water against the closely to fresh wounds burns. I look at them slowly feeling disgusted in myself. I get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself, but as I got to the door I fell against it crying. I couldn't hold the tears in for any longer. I felt like a horrible human being who leaves marks in their skin to feel better. In that moment I felt a rope tightening around my neck as if I couldn't breathe, like breathing wasn't necessary anymore. Like breathing was my worst enemy. After an hour or sitting there, I finally got the strength to get up. I walked into my room and looked through my wardrobe for an outfit when I heard a knock on the door.
Jugheads Pov
I go over to bettys door and knock on it. She opens it, in a towel. Damn she's hot, I get sidetracked but she snaps me out of my thoughts.
B: "jughead?"
J: "oh yeah, Betty I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me, and Archie he's inviting Veronica."
B: "umm, sure I don't have anything else to do anyways so why not"
J: "okay, great. Archie and Veronica are coming over at 3 and then we're gonna head to the beach."
B: "okayyyy"
After Betty shut the door I stood they're for a second, thinking about what I just saw. How is one girl so pretty, I thought but quickly thought out of it. I can't think like that, stick to the plan Jughead. To the plan. I walk over to the kitchen and grab a glass, I put some ice in my glass with some water and start thinking. My thoughts trailing back to the girl with the blonde waves in a towel. Fuck. Why is she stuck in my head all the god damn time. It's like she moved in and won't get out. I take out my phone and start scrolling through Instagram. Nothing really catches my eye until I come across her page, I scroll through her page looking at her numerous bikini pics, I mean damn she's hot. All was going well until I came across this boy on her page, my blood started to boil. Why was there a boy on her page, and why was that boy not me. I thought, soon realizing what just crossed my mind. Damn something is wrong with me today, I keep scrolling through her page, my blood just getting hotter and hotter every time I see another boy. (Crushies much Jughead?)
Bettys Pov
When I answered the door I saw Jughead, right away his eyes trailed down to my body, typical boy I thought to myself then pulling him out of his thoughts. He invited me to go to the beach with him, Archie and Veronica, I said yes because I really don't have anything else to do today. I closed the door, the one question was how am I suppose to cover those cuts in a bathing suit, I mean that seems to be the definition of impossible.
Word count not including this 1018
I hope you guys like this part
I personally think jug has the crushies
I'll post the next part when possible🥺

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