Raven colored locks

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Bettys Pov
It's around 8 pm and I heard jughead let a girl in and so I'm basically stuck in my room till further notice, I go on my phone and scroll through Instagram still I start hearing moans. That's when I decided I was done and not about to hear that for who knows how long so get up and put on some shoes and take my keys, wallet and phone and leave the dorm as quickly as possible. I text Veronica to see what she's doing.
*texts messages*
B: hey Vee, you busy?
V: nope why?
B: I was wondering if I could come by? Just for a couple hours
V: sure what's up?
B: my roommate is having sex and I don't want to hear him and a girl fucking
V: smart choice, I'll see you soon
B: mmhmm see ya
*text messages are over*
I walk to Veronica's which takes about 10-15 minutes because ofc I ended up getting lost, but once I finally arrive I knock on her door and wait for veronica to answer.
V: "hey bee" she says after opening the door and pulling me in for a hug
B: "hey Vee, I missed you so so so much" I say hugging her back
V: "I missed you more" she says pulling me inside and closing the door
B: "impossible" I say then turning to see the redheaded boy from the other night and we make eye contact,
A: "hey your Betty right?" The redhead says getting up and walking over to shake my hand
B: "mmhmm and you are?" I ask shaking his hand
A: "I'm archie" he says shaking my hand
V: "how do you guys know each other?" Veronica asks
B: "he's friends with my roommate" I answer
V: "oh okay, well Betty, come on its girl time, I want to know all the tea" she says pulling my arm towards her room
B: "okayyyy bye archie" I say walking to and into Veronica's room.
A: "bye Betty" he says and goes and sits back down
V: "bye bye" Veronica says closing the door and turning towards me
B: "whattt" I say jumping onto her bed
V: "tell me about your roommate is what" she said walking over and sitting next to me on the bed
B: "Well he has raven hair colored locks and deep green eyes that you could just fall into, and he has this smile that just lightens up a room, oh and he's a good chef and super nice to me. He's handsome and he has abs, and his body just makes you wanna stop and drool." I say laying on my back just imagining him in my head
V: "ooooooo he sounds dreamy" she says
B: "that's be he is dreamy, and I could get lost in his eyes any day, I just wanna talk to him for hours, tell him things no one knows about me, trust him." I say almost like I'm day dreaming
V: "oooo does someone have a crush* Veronica says hitting the bed
B: "I don't so shut it" I say throwing one of her pillows at her.
V: "oh so that's how we're playing tonight Cooper" she says grabbing one of her pillows and hitting me with it
B: "your on bitch" I say as I grab one of the a million pillows she has on her bed I mean who needs that many and I start hitting her with it.
Narratives Pov
Betty and Veronica continued to have a pillow fight for what felt like hours, they ordered pizza and Veronica told Betty about archie and the slight crush she might be developing but Betty new it was no where near slight, the way she talked about him and the look in her eyes, she paid close attention to veronica and her body language trying to forget jughead was probably in bed with a girl who wasn't her right at that moment. Betty and Veronica painted each other's nails, and watched clueless and the movie after. They honestly felt bad for archie because he had to hear them yell about hardin Scott. Finally while watching the movies got jughead and that girl out of her mind and could focus on something else, but that didn't last very long, she thought to herself that at she got him off her mind for a little while, after the two movies it has struck past twelve am and Betty looked next to her to see her bestfriend fast asleep, Betty went and knocked on Archie's door for some help.
A: "hey Betty what's up" he asked opening the door
B: "Veronica fell asleep on the couch while we were watching the movies and I was wondering if you could help me by carrying her into her room?" Betty asked giving him puppy dog eyes
A: "okay okay I'll help" archie said going into the living room and picking up Veronica and carrying her to her room and laying her down on her bed.
B: "thank you so much, your a life saver" Betty said as she started to tuck her bestfriend into bed.
A: "mmhmm anytime" archie said leaving the room and going back to his.
Bettys Pov
Once I finished tucking Veronica in I put on my shoes and got ready to leave. I took my wallet, keys, and phone. I kissed Veronica forehead goodnight and said I love you and left her dorm and headed back to my dorm again taking 10-15 minutes because I'm not use to this place at all, I walk into my dorm closing the front door and locking it. I turn around to see a shirtless jughead but that girl nowhere in-site.
Jughead Pov
I had finally just got Miranda to leave, she said she wanted to stay and cuddle but I honestly didn't want to be near her. I had no interest in her at all and the sex wasn't even that good, so
I just kicked her out. I went to the kitchen and got out a glass of water and started drinking from it when I heard the front door open so I looked over and saw Betty coming home, at 12
am, I wonder where she was but I just stay silent as she looks around the room till our eyes meet with one another's.
Word count not including this 1069
This part is bad don't tell em about it
I wrote this at 12 am so bare with me I can't sleep so I'm writing
Thanks for reading this shit and I'll post the next one when I can

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