missin you

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9 days later


Bettys pov

I woke up, wrapping my blanket around me even tighter, it's literally freezing in here in the mornings. I sat up, holding the thin blue blanket close to me, looking around at my roommates. I've gotten used to the cold mornings, my skin freezing up, goosebumps covering up my arms. yeah I've gotten used to it doesn't mean I like it, I miss him. I miss him holding me, his body warmth against me, holding me tightly. keeping me warm when i need it the most.

I laid back down, curling up trying to keep myself warm. closing my eyes. I slowly drift asleep. I stay asleep for not too long, being woken up by one of my roomates, telling me its time for breakfast making me groan, stretching before I sit up. "okay thank you" I say, before I watch her walk out, I got up putting on slides, then walking out of my room, heading to the group room to eat breakfast and watch some tv. 

I was sitting there, with my knees to my chest as I was eating my breakfast and watching tv. then I hear my name called and i look over as one of the staff come over and hand me this survery, and a bag with my name on it. "your being realsed today betty, just fill this survery out as honest as possible and then go and pack up your room and take your sheets off your bed and put them in the hamper and bring your bag of your controband and clothes into the front desk, so we have all your stuff ready when hes here to get you" she said to me, making me squeal on the inside.

i nodded, "thank youuuu" I said smiling from ear to ear. I finish my breakfast quickly, putting my tray down then using the pencil they gave to fill out the survery and put my name on it, the i get making sure to put my tray away and go and give one of the staff my paper. I basically run to my room trying to not get introuble and quickly put my clothes away in the bag and take the sheets off my bed, then i take my bag and sheets out into the hall way and go and put my sheets in the hamper. I go and wait in line and ask to get my cotroband, going into the closet and putting all my countroband into my bag and giving it to the staff.


an hour or so later


I was waiting in the group room, watching Tv, just trying to past time when I heard them call my name, and I got up quickly, and basically ran to the front desk, where they told me jug was here. a smile grew big on my face as I went and grabbed my bag of stuff and then followed the nurse off the unit, following her to jug, and once I saw him I just started running, he got up once he made eye contact with me, i ran into his arms tightly, god I missed him, I missed how he smelled, how it felt to be in his arms, his voice, everything.

"hi baby" he said hugging me back, just as tightly. "hi" I said almost crying, god i missed the man, not as much as I thought i did. I started to slightly cry into his chest and he pulled away softly as tears fell down my face. "baby don't cry" he said wiping my tears, i giggled "i can't help it juggie" I said holding his hands tightly, the nurse gestured for him to sit down, so he did, signing all the papers of relased as I watched him do so, making me smile brightly. once he finished, he took the papers they gave him and got up taking my hand, "ready to go baby?" he asked and I nodded, "as ready as ill ever be" I replyed, walking off to the car.

once we got to the car, I got in and so did he, i curled up into the seat as he started driving home, I was so happy to finally be out of that place. to be home and with jug, in his arms, in his car, just with him, in the same room as him, breathing the same air, just with him. I drifted asleep while he was driving.


jugheads pov


I parked at the dorm and looked over to see her asleep, making me smile. I got out of the car and went over and open her door softly and picked her up, trying to not wake her, grabbing her bag too and taking her upstairs and into our dorm. i placed her bag onto the table and went over and sat on the couch, rubbing her back as she snuggled into me. she looked so adorable, god i missed this so much, i missed holding her and watching her sleep, holding her tightly as she slept in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and just let her sleep, I knew she needed it.


word count not including this 858


straight up its only short because I have nothing else to write


I hope yall liked the part


tell me what you think in the comments


don't forget to vote


also the next part will be up as soon as possible I promise

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