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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
This part mentions and talks about rape so if you get triggered by it please don't read this part.
Bettys Pov
I sat up, gasping for air, searching my room like a hawk. Shaking as I looked for him, the guy I just saw, the guy I just felt... the guy who had his hands on my wrists holding me down, once again. The dream replaying in my head over and over again I tried to stand up but fell straight back, softly bouncing on the bed. I laid there, hopeless, playing what just happened over and over again in my head.
The dream, or nightmare as some would say
Betty has just walked into her current boyfriend at the time Trevs house. She thought it was a normal hangout expect his parents weren't home but soon enough she would find out that it wasn't so normal at all, she headed upstairs and into his room, they talked for awhile, which turned into making out, Trev laid Betty down which led her to confusion until he started to take off her pants and underwear along with them, Betty started to protest and tried to get out of his embrace, he held her down with one arm and took off his pants and proceeded to rape Betty.
Back to Bettys Pov
I curled into a ball, I started crying into one of my pillows. I started gasping for air again, it felt as if I couldn't breathe. I grabbed my neck and sat up, I focused on my breathing and started to name 5 theses I could see, breath and hear. Once I had stopped the panic attack I grabbed my teddy bear and waited for a moment to regain my strength. Once I had regained my strength I got up, grabbed a blanket and walked out into the living room taking a seat on the couch, I thought that if I was gonna fall asleep anywhere it wasn't gonna be my room. I turned on beauty and the beast, I made myself comfy and cuddle my teddy watching the movie till I drifted back asleep once again.
Jugheads Pov
*4 hours later*
I woke up and 7 am to the sound on my alarm, I groaned and turned it off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I checked my phone as usual and checked Instagram. After about 30 minutes of being on Instagram I got up and walked out of my room. I was walking to the kitchen when I saw the Tv on and stopped, I walked into the living room to see a girl with gorgeous blonde hair asleep on the couch cuddling her teddy bear, I chuckled to myself and turned off the Tv. Why was she on the couch instead of in her room I thought to myself but shrugged it off and walked into the kitchen to make pancakes.
Narratives Pov
Betty woke up to the smell of pancakes and sat up rubbing her eyes holding her teddy bears arm in one hand. Betty got up and headed to the kitchen where she was met with a shirtless jughead.
Bettys Pov
I walked into the kitchen met with a shirtless jughead and damn is he hot. I got trapped in my thoughts until he spoke,
J: "good morning" he said
B: "morning" I said grabbing one of the glasses he had put on the counter and filling it up with water taking a sip
J: "I made you some pancakes" he said with a smile handing me a plate
B: "thank youuu" I smiled and went and sat at the table.
J: "so Betty I have a question, if that's okay with you." Jughead said taking his plate and coffee and sitting across from me at the table
B: "shoot your shot" I said then taking a bite of the pancakes he made me
J: "why did you sleep on the couch? Is something wrong with your room, or in general?" He questioned which made my stomach drop
B: "it's nothing" I said trying to skip the subject
J: "are you sure it's nothing? Nothings wrong at all" he said trying to find answers
B: "y-yeah im sure" I said stuttering a little and that's when I knew I was fucked
J: "Betty just tell me what's wrong I'll help you I promise, you just have to tell me what's wrong, and I know somethings wrong I can tell when people are lying" he said sternly
B: "f-fine, I had a nightmare and just couldn't sleep in my bed and so I came out to the living room and watched a movie till I fell asleep" I said trying not to let my voice crack
J: "oh I'm sorry, do you want to tell me what the nightmare was about? It's okay if you don't want to." He said in a concerned voice
I shake my head no and continue to eat
J: "okay." Jughead said and went back to eating
Bettys thoughts
I feel so alone and trapped in my own body but I can't trust him, what if he doesn't believe me or he tells his friends and they don't believe me. I mean my own mother didn't even believe me and my dad said I wanted it so what if they do too. But the thing In why would someone want to be held down and be forced to have sex and let them do horrible things to you and whatever you do and no matter how much you scream they just don't stop...
Word count not including this 916
I tried, I hope you guys liked this part
I really felt this subject deserved its own part especially with the society we live in on which what we wear as women is us begging for us and if we are raped we aren't asked if we're okay, we're asked well what we're you wearing and men saying oh I see why he did it just because if we were wearing skinny jeans and a shirt. What I want to say is what I'm wearing or what anyone else is wearing doesn't give consent, consent comes from our mouths and our mouths only and no one should be able to take that away from us
I'll post the next part when I can

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