I don't wanna pt. 1

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jugheads pov


I felt over come with joy, the fact of knowing that she was okay, and that she was going to be okay. that she was going to be in my arms again, that ill be able to hear her voice again. I sat there, in her bed, her sheets pressing against my skin. I laid back, she filled my head, with her laugh, piercing through my ears. I could see her smiling, imagines of her running through my head. never stopping. going miles per hours, every moment we spent together.

A tear fell down my cheek. I've never missed someone so much. I needed her, i needed her in my arms again, I needed to hear her voice again, I needed to see her smile again, hear her giggle, kiss her one more time. I moved my fingers around, feeling her sheets press against them. I start to remember that night, that night were I held her closely to my chest, telling her everything was going to be okay, that she was going to be okay. the night she opened up to me, she trusted me. she let me in like no one else, and I hurt her. 

Shame crossed over me, I knew how badly she'd be hurt in her life and I still chose to hurt her. I still chose to be a fucking asshole and go along with my friends instead of saying no. instead of cutting it off, i let her trust me. i let her let me in, and I hurt her. I was too selfish that i didn't want to seem like a pussy so I hurt her. i hurt the girl I love and it wasn't even fucking worth it, it wasn't worth it and it was never going to be worth it. 

more tears fell down my cheek, I was the reason. i was the reason she did it, I was the reason she was so hurt that she felt that it wasn't worth it, it wasn't worth living. it wasn't worth the pain so she did it, she slit her wrists, she took the pills, she almost die, and its all on me, not on anyone else, on me. and its never going to be on anyone else. how could i do that, how could i hurt her after knowing what happened her, knowing how he hurt her. im just as bad as him, maybe worse.


a couple days later


I laid there, still in her bed, I couldn't get up, I couldn't leave. This was the only thing I had left of her, the closest thing I had to her. yeah she was alive and in the hospital but I couldn't see her, I couldn't see her lay there lifeless. it would kill me, the thought of her laying there with no life in her body, kills me. I laid there my phone in my hand, waiting for that call, waiting for the call that shes okay, that shes up, that shes talking, that shes giggling.

right then and there, as my thoughts were racing through my head, my phone starting buzzing. I sat up quickly and answered. "hello?" I said, "Mr. jones? this is doctor grey from the hospital, Im calling in regrades of betty cooper." he said quickly making me smile, "yes what about her?" I said. "well shes woken up, and shes requested to see you. shes been doing good and her breathing is normal, she would just like to see you before anyone else" the doctor said. 

i felt a happiness come over me, I was over filled with joy. she wanted to see me and she wanted to see me first, not cheryl, not veronica, me just me. "okay ill be there as fast as possible, thank you doctor grey." I said hanging up. I got up and walked over and into her bath, I stopped for a little bit, slowing down, this pain came into my stomach, it was sharp. as if it was stabbing me in the heart. i haven't been in here since the accident. I could see her, see her in the tub, blood coming out of wrists. I grabbed my heart and walked out, i couldn't take it, i couldn't take being in that bathroom, not after what happened.

I quickly walked to my bathroom, taking a shower quickly. getting out and getting dressed into something simple but not too simple but at the same time not too much, yes Im trying hard but I don't want her to know, but maybe she wants that, maybe she wants to know that. maybe it will give her comfort, and faith in us. but maybe she already has faith, maybe thats why she wants to see me first, but who knows. I put on my shoes and some cologne quickly and run into her room. i grab her a bra and panties along with sweats and one one of my shirts that she has, then quickly leaving for the hospital.


narratives pov


betty sat their in her hospital bed, playing with her hair. she was nervous, she knew jug was in love her but he didn't know but he didn't know. he didn't know she loved him, she planned on telling him, but she didn't know how, it pulsed through her veins, her anxiety was racing, watching the clock tic, the minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like life times. she bounced her feet waiting, waiting for the knock, for him to walk in, to see him.

soon enough that knock came, she sat up, "come in!" she said excited, smiling ear to ear, she watched as the door open, looking up at jugs face, seeing his smile pasted on her face, he walked in, closing the door softly, "juggie!" she said, making him chuckle, he walked over as she opened her arms. he hugs her tightly, her hugging him back just as tightly. "i love you too" betty whispered in his ear, making a tear fall down his cheek. 

Jughead pulled away looking at her, "w-what?" he said making her giggle a little, "i heard you, all of you, everything you guys said, I heard, so you heard me Jughead jones. I love you, I fucking love you!" she basically shouted, he smiled, bigger than shes ever seen. "I love you betty cooper" jughead said, betty smiled grabbing his face softly and kissing him. he kissed back, just as softly, smiling into the kiss. they pulled away, resting their foreheads on each others. "I brought you some clothes" he said out of the blue making her giggle.

Jughead handed them to her softly, placing them in her lap, making her continue to smile, "thank you juggie" she said, "of course betts, ill wait outside okay,  just tell me when your done okay?" he asked making betty nod. he got up and closed the curtains and then left the room, closing the door so she could change. betty change quickly, then waiting over and openning the door smiling "hi mr. lover man" she said walking over and siting in her bed, "hi pretty girl" he said walking in and closing the door leaving them to talk, all day long...


word count before this 1210


I said I would and I delivered babes


also this story is coming to an end, and there will be one where you get to choose the next book i publish, and hopefully it will get as much love as this one

don't for get to vote and comment your thoughts


the next part will be out as soon as possible i promise

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