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They left almost immediately after they packed. They were standing on the shore of Long Island Sound, waiting for their ride to arrive.
Mr.D pulled Jason aside, 'Be careful out there, Jason.'
'I know, I've been on a quest before. I was one of the seven.'
'I know that, but here's some advice: start your journey in California.'
'Why?' Jason asked.
'Go to Camp Jupiter, visit my son, Dakota, and tell him that his father, Bacchus wanted him here at Camp Half-Blood for... special reasons.'
'What reasons?'
'Just give him this.' Dionysus pulled out a bronze drachma. 'He'll know what it means.' The coin had the face of a goddess on it- Hera- and on the other side was a picture of grapes and wine glasses.
'But why?' A voice behind them said.
'Not important, Clarisse.' Mr.D said.
'Fine.' Clarisse sounded sassy.
'Anyway,' Dionysus turned to Jason. 'Give this to Dakota.'
'But we don't go to Camp Jupiter for our quest.'
'West must the queen's defeat
Mask the scent of betrayal.' Dionysus said. 'West. California is in the west and you will find where you need to go after that, and possibly the quest's purpose.'
'How do you-' Jason's voice faltered.
'Jason!' Clarisse yelled from the shoreline. 'Our ride is here!'
Mr D pulled Jason back. 'One more thing. Can you tell Dakota that I miss him? Please.'
'Jason! You coming?' Clarisse yelled.
'Yeah!' Jason shouted back. Then at Dionysus, 'Sure.'
Jason walked to Clarisse and Jake. 'Let's go.'

Their ride was a rusty old fishing boat with lifesavers hung off the sides. Fishing nets were strewn along the boat's floor, a rusty motor weighing down the boat.
'So, where y'all going?' The captain said.
They all told the captain different places.
Clarisse said, Poland
Jason said, Camp Jupiter.
Jake said, Austria.
'Poland and Austria?' Jason asked.
'Camp Jupiter?' The others said in unison.
'Dionysus said so.' Jason replied.
'So, where y'all going?' The captain asked again.
'Camp Jupiter.' Jason responded. He could tell the captain couldn't comprehend the demigods.
'Camp Jupiter it is.' The captain said. 'Where is it?'
'California,' Jason said.
'Okay, California it is!' And they sailed off into the west.

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