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Jason rummaged through his pocket to find his coin. He put it down to armour up. Once his armour was on, Jason flipped his coin, transforming it into a sword. He knew the battle up ahead wouldn't be easy. He knew Uranus wouldn't show - or give - any mercy. Jason knew about his backstory, about his reign, his children, his horrendous attitude, and all that crap.
     The worlds only hope lied in the hands of one god. Jason knew only one god could destroy Uranus. After all, he was the king of the cosmos.
     Destroy the path of this king's rage. The line from the prophecy rung in his head. Uranus was the king.
     'Jason?' Somebody knocked on the door.
     'Come in.' Jason said.
     The door opened and Rachel stood outside.
     'Go away.' Jason turned away from her.
     'Look, Jason-'
     'I said leave.' He insisted.
     She yelled fiercely. 'Listen here, Jason Grace! I am the Oracle of Delphi! Now listen up!'
     Jason didn't turn. He just said in melancholy, 'what do you want?'
     'I didn't mean to say the prophecy, okay. It's my job, and you have to accept that. I am the Oracle of Delphi, and I state prophecies.'
     Jason looked at Rachel. 'I guess your right. I'm sorry. I was just a little angry that you said it. It's not your fault.' Jason didn't want to hold any grudges when he dies(which might be soon).
     'Well, I'm glad we sorted things out.' She smiled and walked away.

Jason prayed to the god for assistance and guidance. Only one god could kill Uranus, and Jason was sure of it.
     Once he ceased praying, he stepped outside, the sun blinding his sky blue eyes. The wind rustled through his blonde hair and his armour clashed with every step.
     The trees swayed with glee, and satyrs and nymphs danced and sang(even though the world might end) and campers were discussing war tactics to use on Uranus; No doubt Uranus would bring an army.
Jason thought that he could buy some time before the god arrived - if he arrived. He was Uranus's great-grandson, after all. Maybe he would show a little bit of mercy?
Not in a million years. Jason thought. The chances of that are like winning the lottery ten times in a row.
     Jason wanted to believe that he had a chance of defeating - or even weakening - Uranus.
     'Uranus is going down.' He murmured.
     'In your dreams.' A kindly voice spoke next to him. It was Nico di Angelo. 'There's only one way to defeat him. And that is to summon-'
     'Saturn.' Jason finished.
     'Yes, but he was killed by Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. Luke betrayed everyone at Camp Half-Blood to fight a Kronos's side. But Percy Jackson convinced him to kill Kronos.'
     'I think I heard that story. Was Luke possessed by Saturn?' Jason thought out loud.
     'Yeah. Anyway, how will we get his attention - convince him even? And will he even rise?'
     'Uranus is rising. Saturn could rise, too. And besides, he rose in Percy's time didn't he?'
     Nico looked as gloomy as ever. 'I guess so. But what if it backfires?'
     'I'll call Jupiter. He killed Saturn before, so he could kill Uranus.'
     An explosion filled the air with ash and rubble. Campers screamed and ran while the nymphs turned into their trees. The brave campers(Percy, Annabeth, Clarisse, and more) held their ground.
     Jason raises his sword. 'Let's fight.'
     The boys clapped swords and ran off into battle.
     'So, what's the plan?' Nico asked.
     'Bold of your to assume I have a plan. I am a son of Jupiter, does he ever have a plan?'
     Nico nodded. 'Touché.'
     'Anyway, if Saturn doesn't come, I have a plan B.'
     Nico asked. 'Which is...'
     Another explosion lit up the sky. The sun was bleeding into the clouds, but ash shielded it from view.
     'It's still in the planning stage.'
     More explosions blew up. Uranus's minions started to invade, striking campers with one hit. They wore a leather vest, leather boots, leather helmet and pants made from *gasp* leather.
     'What are those things?' Jason asked.
     Next to him, Annabeth spoke. 'I don't know. They seem to be wearing all leather. What's up with that?'
     The first wave of attacks lasted for several hours. The second lasted an hour or two. The third four hours. It was nearing midnight, meaning Jason's quest deadline would be over soon. As soon as it hit ten to, Jason was dragged aside by Jake.
     'I know that when you were roaming around in the forest, you saw something.' Jake said.
     Jason confesses. 'And that would be the silver metal thing?'
     'Yeah. Now see what that is.'
     'But there is a battle going on. Uranus is about to rise!'
     'I know. But you need to go!' His voice changed on go.
     'Vulcan.' Jason realised.
     'Yes. Now go! Find that cage!' Vulcan bellowed.
     Before Jason could protest and argue, he was pushed away by a gust of wind.

As he wandered through the forest, trying to find the metal, Vulcan's words rang in this mind: Find the cage!
     Was the metal a cage?
     The line from the prophecy filled his head: The ghost of fire with deal and cage.
     The ghost of fire? Jason thought.
     'Leo!' Jason didn't want to get his hopes up, but the prophecy might be talking about Leo.
     As soon as he said that, he found the metal sheet. He stared at it, desperately wanting to free Leo if he was inside.
     Jason exhaled. 'Here goes nothing.'
     He thrust his arms towards the cage and summoned the strength of Jupiter (which he didn't even know he could do). He breathed heavily and closed his eyes.
     By the time he opened them again, he was lying on the dirt with his hand on his chest. Next to him laid a cage. In the cage was Leo Valdez, the son of Hephaestus.
     Jason stared at him in shock. He didn't believe his eyes. He wanted to hug and punch Leo at the same time. Leo was trapped in a cage and next to him lay the remaining parts to Leo's pet dragon, Festus.

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