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Jason didn't dream of anything, which was a plus. But he woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat and he was panting. He dreamed of nothing, but somehow, he was still scared of something that must've happened that night.
     He pulled the blankets off of him and went to have a shower.
     Once he was changed, he grabbed his coin and headed outside. He kissed Reyna and walked out.
     Halfway up the hill, he flipped his coin, revealing a sword made from Imperial Gold.
     When he reached the top of the hill, he practised swordplay; he swung his sword in the air then dodged a pretend to attack. He prevented the enemy's sword slicing him by twisting the flat of his blade around the other sword sending it flying and Jason caught the enemy when it was off guard. He stabbed it when it looked at its sword.
     At least that was what Jason thought. From someone far away, it would've looked like he was battling an untrained ventus.
     By the time he finished practising, the sun began to peek

over the top of the mountains and hills, creating a beautiful sunrise. The clouds formed a landscape of yellow, orange and pink, illuminating the sky.
     Half an hour later, a horn blew indicating breakfast, but this time, Jason wasn't hungry.
     He stayed behind and walked to his room where Reyna stood. She looked angry and hungry - Hangry.
     'What?' Jason asked knowing there was bad news.
     'Where were you?' Reyna folded her arms.
     'I was training.'
     'With who?'
'No one.'
Reyna didn't look convinced. 'Really?'
'Yes!' Jason exclaimed. I woke up at midnight and trained, okay?'
'Alright, alright. I'm sorry. I didn't know. No need to be aggressive.'
They walked to the Mess for breakfast. By the time they arrived, everyone started to eat. Frank sat down.
'Sorry, Reyna, but everyone was hungry. You can't blame them.'
'Nah, it's fine. We were just, er, chatting.' Reyna explained poorly.
They ate in silence, though Jason only poked at his lazy pancakes. Syrup oozed out of the stacked pancakes and it dripped from the top like a frosted cake. Jason's fork digging into his pancakes, causing a tsunami of syrup erupting from the sides.
Everyone was a homeless person scoffing down fresh food. They shoved their food into their mouths without a single care in the world. They didn't even look up once.
Jason continued to murder his helpless pancakes. The pancakes looked like they have been shredded. His fork was coated in dried syrup, sticking to everything it touched.
After what felt like an eternity, Reyna worked up the courage to start a conversation.
'So,' she began. 'What is everyone up to today?'
Hazel responded. 'Jason and I have swordplay lay together, isn't that right, Jason?'
Jason just looked up and nodded. He was tired due to his lack of sleep.
'I also have archery, stable duty and unicorn training.' Hazel said.
Jason finally spoke, shaking off his tiredness. 'I have, well, swordplay, cohort cleaning and defensive strategies.'
'Cool. You?' Reyna asked, turning to face Frank.
'Nothing much, just praetor stuff, like ensuring clean cohorts and so on.' Frank answered.
'I'm just going to plan defensive and offensive strategies. Anyone wanna help?' Reyna asked.
Everyone was suddenly interested in their almost-eaten food again.
'I'll take that as a no.'

That day flew by faster than a commercial jet.
Jason's first activity was defensive strategies. He plotted a bunch of great strategies for playing defence.
His second activity - or chore - was cleaning his cohort/room. He tidied up Reyna's and his room.
He then had a break for two hours which he chatted with Hazel.
Finally, he practised sword fighting against Hazel.
Their instructor, Michael Ewan was a college student - Puerto Rican, maybe - and he had olive skin. His black, fluffy hair blew in the cool mid-day breeze. He said, 'okay, demigods and legacies. Today we will learn how to defend yourself with your weapon.'
Some whispers erupted from the back of the crowd.
'Hush, please.' Michael spoke firmly. 'Firstly, grab your weapon, then assign yourself a partner. I will teach you the basics when you have calmed down.'

Overall, the whole session lasted roughly about two hours at most.
Jason had the rest of the day off; it was like a dream come true.
     He was practising another sword technique Michael taught him: How to manipulate others' swords by using your sword.
     It was simple really: Just twist your sword around your opponents and pull back, pulling them closer to you. Then,  you flick your sword upward, and the other sword will follow. Lastly, you change your hand position so you grip your sword hilt like a dagger and stab you opponent with their own sword (and yours if you're lucky).
     He was practising without anyone until Hazel showed up, sword in hand.
     'Hey.' She greeted.
     'Hey, Hazel. What're you doing?' Jason replied.
     'Just wanting to talk to you.'
     ''Bout what?'
     'Well, I was wondering if you could teach me how to, you know, how to manipulate your opponent's sword.'
     Jason said, 'he taught you that, too, I guess?'
     She nodded.
     'Okay. So, firstly, hold your sword...'
     They practised that strategy until the horn blew for dinner.

Everyone gathered at the Mess, platters of steak, pork, chicken, sausages, salad - which no one touched, except the vegetarians and vegans - and just some other barbecued food.
     That night Jason ate like a pig: he ate two slices of medium-rare steak, three sausages, still dripping barbecue juice and some chips that were handed around.
     'How do you fit that much?' Reyna asked at dinner.
     'It's just a trait I have.' He replied.
     'What? A big stomach.' She said. 'As big as your big mouth?'
     'Ohh!' Hazel, Frank and some others screamed.
     'Oh, shut up. I don't talk that much.'
     'That would be a lie, Mr Grace.'
     'At least it isn't as big as yours, Miss Ramirez-Arellano.'
     Again, ooh's erupted from the listeners.
     'It's Miss Avila Ramirez-Arellano to you, sir.'
     More ooh's were heard.
     'This table hasn't hosted any roasting battles since 1994.' Hazel informed.
     'And that battle was to roast Jason's birth.' Reyna roasted.
     'Okay, okay. Enough.' Everyone could tell he was frustrated.
     'I'm stuffed-'
     'Sure you are.' Reyna interrupted.
     'And I'm going to sleep-'
     'To get away from these fantastic roasts.'
     'Anyone with?' Jason finally finished.
     'Why not. It's about time I get some forty winks early.' Frank said, rising from his chair.
     'Okay. See you guys tomorrow.' Jason waved.
     'And, Reyna, don't get tired of saying terrible roasts.' Frank said. Turning on his heel like a soldier.
     'Enough!' Reyna shouted harshly.
     'Night everyone!' Jason said and walked off with the praetor.

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