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Up ahead, Jason could see the faint glow of the land ahead. They finally reached California.  It was 10 at night and Jason was definitely tired.
'Well, folks, that'll be 10 buckaroos.' The captain said. Jason wondered why he wasn't a farmer with that accent. Clarisse handed the captain 10 dollars. Then, in the corner of his eye, Jason saw a fin pop out of the ocean. He didn't say anything to the others. It didn't feel like such a big deal.
'Hey, sailor-farmer dude,' Clarisse waved her hand in front of the captains face to get his attention. He turned. 'You think you can drop us off over there?' She pointed at a thin stretch of land.
'Sure can do!' The captain told her.

As the neared shallow waters, Jason saw a fin popping out of the ocean again. This time he turned and saw a shark comming his way, jaw open.
'Guys,' he managed. 'Hate to break it to you, but there is a shark speeding towards us.' Everyone, including the captain turned and saw the shark closing in on them.
'Faster!' Jake yelled to the captain. The captain didn't complain.
He jolted the motor stick to propel the boat faster towards land. California was right in front of them, but the shark was right behind them. Then Clarisse jumped overboard and sank under the foaming waves. When she popped her head up, she swam towards the shark, using her sword to maim it. Or kill it.
'Take that you dirty grey piece of junk!' She yelled every time she maimed the shark, but the cuts keep healing as quick as it's getting them.
'Clarisse, retreat!' Jake yelled as the shark narrowly missed Clarisse's arm. She swam back to the boat.
'The shark is like Percy Jackson.' Jason thought out loud. 'If we can somehow get it out of the water, the cuts won't heal. The water heals the cuts, just like Percy.'
The captain exclaimed, 'you ain't gonna haul that thing on my boat!'
'No, silly, the beach!' Clarisse yelled.
Jason thought he could control the air, because he is a son of Jupiter, god of the sky, to haul the shark to land. He tried and managed to lift it up ten metres before dropping it. 'It's too heavy.' Jason said. 'Any other ideas?'
'How about we lure it towards the shallow, then you can use the winds to drag the shark or something,' Clarisse suggested. The boys nodded in agreement, and the captain steered the boat towards land.
Once it was stuck in the sand, Jason wind-dragged the shark out of the water. He managed to do that, with lots of complaints, and took out his coin. Knowingly, he flipped it. Mid-air it transformed into a sword. Everything about the sword was gold, the hilt, blade and butt. He raised it and slashed down. The blades sliced the shark into two, and the shark burst to dust.

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