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'I'll be right back.' Jason promised Piper.
He walked with Reyna, unsure about the situation.
'Yeah?' Jason asked. 'What is it?'
'Well, as you know, Uranus was defeated, but we - as in us Romans and Greeks - have found evidence towards a more severe threat. We have not identified the threat, but the evidence leads strongly towards a Titan. Once again, this Titan's name is unconfirmed, but we know it is a Titan.' Reyna explained.
Jason walked in disbelief, mainly because of what she said, and also because of the fact that he just finished a quest. 'English please.'
Reyna sighed. 'A Titan is rising.'
'You could've said that in the first place!'
'Jason.' Reyna pushed Jason playfully.
'You know, I like hanging around you, despite your 'using long words' thing, but, hey, that doesn't matter.' Jason admitted.
Reyna smiled. 'Me too. You've helped me through a lot, before, you know, you lost your memory and so on, but, you get the general idea.'
She leaned her head against Jason's shoulder, which must've been hard and uncomfortable because they were walking towards New Rome.
Jason knew that Reyna had a thing for him ever since they first met, but Jason neglected her, playing hard to get in a way. Jason kind of liked her back, but when Juno took his memory and he ended up with Piper, he instantly fancied her. You couldn't blame him, she was a daughter of Venus
'I'm sorry I pushed you away.' Jason apologised.
'What do you mean?'
'I knew - know - that you took interest in me the first time we met, and I must admit, I liked you too, but I played hard to get.' Jason explained.
Reyna looked at him. 'Oh. Was it that obvious?'
'I'm pretty sure everyone at Camp Half-Blood knew.' Jason teased.
'Shut up.' Reyna, again, pushed him playfully.
'So?' Jason said. 'Do you forgive me?'
'Hmm,' She pauses as if to cause suspension, or just to annoy Jason. 'I forgive you.'
They looked at each other in the eyes and Reyna purposefully collapsed in Jason's arms. She lifted her head and they leant in for a kiss...
'Halt!' A voice echoed from in front of them. They turned to see Terminus situated where he normally is, as an armless statue. Neat to him was a young girl - Julia, Jason remembered.
'Right sorry.' Jason handed his coin to Julia, the god's assistant, and she took it like a bird to a shiny object.
Julia cleared her throat.
Reyna giggles in the slightest. Reyna handed over her weapons, which was only her dagger, and they entered New Rome.

Jason kissed Reyna; she kissed back.
Jason wanted this for so long. So long that the distance from the Earth to Neptune would be a millimetre compared to this.
They fell into each other's starry eyes. Jason's sky blue eyes matched perfectly with Reyna's light brown eyes.
When they kissed, it felt like Jason's whole world was stopped, like time itself was stopped. The only thing that mattered was that Reyna was in his arms, their eyes closed as they hugged each other tightly.
'I love you.' Jason whispered in her hear.
'I love you, too.' Reyna whispered back.
They kissed again, and Jason felt like we were floating. It felt like his feet lifted off the ground.
'Er, Jason.' Reyna tapped him.
He looked down and saw that they were floating. It was too good to be true.
Reyna forgave Jason with a kiss.

The sun had started to set when everyone gathered at the Mess. Campers filled it almost immediately, anxious to eat. Fauns gathered around too to watch the campers eat, which Jason thought was a bit unnecessary, and creepy.
When everyone was seated, Reyna and Frank stood, side by side at the head of the table. Everybody fell silent.
'As you already know, today was a tough one. Despite all of the attacks and ambushes we've had at Camp, we have pulled through, stronger than ever, ready to face our next challenge!' Reyna shouted.
'We have learnt to thrive in our failures, and not only our successes. I - we - have grown!' Frank added.
Jason pretended to wipe tears outburst f his eyes. 'So motivational.'
Reyna glared at his. He eyes not as piercing as always.
'We have a new camper - or old camper, however, you look at it. Everybody, welcome Jason Grace!' Reyna smiled at him as Jason stood up, waving at familiar faces. He scanned the crowd for Piper, but only found Will and Nico sitting next to Hazel towards the back.
Why isn't Hazel next to Frank? Jason thought. He couldn't bring himself to think of the bad thing that might've happened between the two.
'Make an offering to the gods, then you shall begin!'
'So, how was your quest?' Reyna asked while sitting down.
'Oh, um, you know, challenging, but we pulled through. We defeated Uranus with the help of some Egyptian nymph. And, get this, there are Egyptian gods and magicians. Apparently, instead of demigods, they have magicians who cast spells and blah blah blah. Cool right?'
'I guess, but who were these so-called nymph?' Frank asked, jabbing at his medium-rare steak.
'Her name is Zonë. Nice dude. Very helpful. But she goes also by the Eldritch Queen. I don't know why. She said that she used to use her magic for evil, but people change, right?' Jason described Zonë.
'How'd you find her?' Reyna raised an eyebrow.
'When we arrived in Athens, we were captured by a chimera, with this faun, Dom, who knew her and called her to rescue us. And by 'rescue', I mean open a portal. Oh, and she also gave me a scroll which was the key to unlocking Leo's cage.'
'Leo's alive?' Frank suddenly looked interested in something.
'Yeah. The physician's cure worked. And Nico sensed something odd about his death. But that isn't relevant.' Jason said, stuffing his face with corn and pepperoni pizza.
'So, how did you find it? The quest I mean.' Frank asked.
'Overall, fun and easy now that I think about it, but during the actual process, hard. One again, overall it was fun.'
Reyna smirked.
'What?' Jason asked laughing a little.
'I don't get it.' Frank said innocently.
When they finished, they just smiled at each other.
In Jason's mind, he knew what Reyna was thinking: I love you. And vice versa.

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