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Jason didn't even care about defeating Uranus anymore. As long as Thalia was alright, he wouldn't dare touch a weapon again. He swore it upon the River Styx.
     He dropped his sword which startled Percy and Annabeth a bit. Percy risked a glance behind, but saw no one until Jason dropped down and ran to his dying sister.
     'Thalia!' He yelled.
     'Jason, I'm so sorry.' Annabeth said. without seeing who he was.
     'What happened?' He asked.
     Annabeth sighed deeply. 'She was fighting Clarisse when-' she rolled under a venom trail that the serpent spat. 'When some of the serpent's venom hit her right in the chest.
     'Help!' Thalia cried. 'Help!'
     'Hold on, Thalia!' Jason assured. 'Your going to be alright.'
     As soon as he said it, he knew that was not true. Thalia wouldn't pull through. It was impossible.
     Then Jason had a flash-back to when he was in pain, with the pricing pain in between his eyes.
     'Olivioir!' He yelled in excitement, despite Thalia on the ground dying.
     He rushed off the find the magician.
     'Olivioir! Olivioir!' Jason shouted. 'Olivioir!'
     'Braquage. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez?' The Frenchman asked. 'Oh, right, sorry. What do you want.
      He stepped out from behind a pillar supporting the Apollo cabin. From behind the pillar, red frizzy hair was sticking out. Immediately Jason knew it was Rachel, the Oracle of Delphi.
'What do you want?' Olivioir asked impatiently again.
'I'm, sorry. Er, my sister, Thalia, she has been spat on by a serpent. A really BIG serpent. And venomous.'
'D'accord, d'accord.' Olivioir said.
'Erm, good. This way.' Jason headed towards Thalia. When he remembered that Thalia could die, he started sprinting, eager to heal his sister.
'Why so fast?' Olivioir asked, panting in between every word. Jason could tell he was trying his level-best to keep up.
As they neared the climbing wall, where Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth fought their fellow ex-head cabin mate, they heard a hiss of a snake.
     Jason ran past them right to Thalia's side.
     'Olivioir, can you heal her?' Jason asked.
     Thalia's eyes pleaded for help. She stared at Olivioir with pleading eyes, no doubt saying, HELP ME!
     'I could try, but I fear that this is even beyond my power.' He responded with a shake of the head.
     He pulled out another wax figuring, this time it appeared feminine, and remodelled its to look like Thalia. He squished it on where the venom hit - her chest - and poor Thalia yelped in pain.
     'That only helped a little bit. She might pull through but she might, er,  mourir.' Olivioir bowed his head.
     Jason feared that mourir means die.
     'She can't die.' Jason sniffed. 'She just can't.'
     'I don't think this would help, but you could arrange a thing or two with Osiris.' The Frenchman said.
     'Who?' Jason asked.
     'Osiris, the god of the Underworld.'
     'Do you mean Hades? You know what, never mind. We have bigger problems at hand.' He glanced at Thalia, praying to Hades.
     'How's Pinecone Face?' Percy Jackson asked from the climbing wall.
     'She's-' Jason didn't have the guts to tell him. 'She's better, not a lot though.'
     Percy nodded and continued fighting Clarisse.
     'You ALL will die painful deaths!' She bellowed.
     'Not as long I can help it!' Percy shouted back at her.
     The serpent snickered, at least Jason thought it was a snicker. Snakes' snickers might sound different, who knows?
     'Say goodbye to the mortal world, and hello to the Underworld!' Percy shouted again.
     He slashed his sword - Riptide, or more specifically Anaklusmos - and it impaled itself right in Clarisse heart, a least Jason thought it was her heart. Snakes' hearts might be located in a different place.
     She yelped in agony and Annabeth took as a sign. She raised he dagger and she stabbed Clarisse several times in the head, one narrowly missing her reptilian eye.
     'Piece of cake.' Percy boasted.
     'Yeah, piece of solid metal cake!' Annabeth corrected.
     'Good job, guys, but Thalia is dying over here.' Jason felt the high adrenaline in his body.
     'Right sorry.' Annabeth said.
     'Poor Pinecone Face.' Percy joked (the Pinecone bit, not the Poor Thalia bit).
     The couple rushed over to take a look at Thalia.
     She tried to speak but her voice faltered. She tried again, more successful this time.
     'You- you avenged me.' With that, her eyes rolled into her head and Jason knew immediately what had happened.
     Thalia was dead.

Jason began to weep. This was the day he defeated Gaia all over again. Thalia had died, he was mourning her death, what more is there to add?
     'Jason-' Annabeth's voice faltered.
     Thalia's blue eyes now rolled back in her head. Her gothic look seemed so real, and her dark blue highlights emphasised on her black hair.
     'She's- she's really gone.' Jason looked at her with shock and misery. Jason wished that their father would take pity on her again, but Jason didn't was a pine tree as a sister.
     'I'm so sorry.' Annabeth's voice was sombre. 'I'm sure she'll live a happy life in Elysium, Jason. Out of any of us, she deserves it the most.'
     Jason pondered on Annabeth's poor word choice - which is never like her. Life and Elysium don't blend well together. They basically mean opposite things.
     But this was no time and place to think about words. Jason's only living mortal relative is now another one of Jason's dead relatives.
     Jason sighed. We'd better go and help fight Uranus. With Clarisse and Orion down, we should stand a chance.'
     'Wait, Orion is-' Annabeth stepped on Percy's foot forcing him to stop speaking.
     'Jason's right, we should help nonetheless.' Annabeth agreed.
     'I'll be leaving now.' Olivioir said awkwardly.
     Jason wiped his nose on his arm. 'Let's go and send Uranus back to Tartarus once and for all.'

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