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A couple of days ago, Clarisse would have screamed at Orion to not use her full name, but she is different. She's betrayed everyone and now she is a giant serpent wanting revenge.
She was perfectly fine with the hunter saying her last name.
Clarisse is one weird demigod, Jason thought. If you can call a serpent a demigod.
     'Jason Grace.' Orion teased. 'We meet again. It was fun fighting your girlfriend - what's her name? - oh, right, Reyna.'
     Anger built up inside his head. He wanted to scream that this wasn't fair. Hence, nothing is fair for demigods. 'She defeated you, Orion.'
     The puny giant laughed. 'And look where I am now. Back and ready to destroy you.'
     He lunged at Jason. Orion would've killed him if he was tackled to the ground by Leo/Hephaestus.
     'Don't sweat it, man.' He said.
     Orion was the fastest giant. He was also a great huntsman, so it makes sense that he was fast. He knocked an arrow, but Leo fired a fireball at him, but he dodged it.
     'Hephaestus cannot kill me.' Orion bellowed.
     In the distance, Uranus started to attack the other campers. Because Uranus was the bigger threat, Jason had to switch roles.
     'Archers, fire at will!' Jason yelled.
     'Nooo-o!' Will, the head councillor for the Apollo cabin screamed.
     'The other will, Will.' Jason said preoccupied with Orion.
     When the archers fired, Jason leapt out of the way to fight the god. Mid-air, he tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword ready to strike. Uranus attempted to foil his attack, but Jason was smarter. He summoned the wind to push him out of the way and counterattack, striking Uranus's forehead and eye. Golden blood - inchor, godly blood - dropped from his wound. The skin began to heal itself, but his eye remained shut.
     'Argh!' The former king yelped. 'You will pay for that as well, son of Jupiter.' He spoke his name with disgust.
     Uranus shrunk to the size of an average adult. He punched Jason so hard that he heard some ribs crack. He managed to get up, but shortly after, Uranus struck him again. Jason grabbed his side, ensuring his broken ribs. He summoned the wind to elevate him. He raised his sword with his hand to attack, but his enemy was quicker. Jason dropped from the sky.
'Argh!' Jason yelped in agony, clenching his ribs. His eyes were closed as if that help endure the pain.
The god snickered. 'You are no match for me, child of Rome.'
Jason attempted to get up, but the pain surged through him, knocking him out cold.

Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, child of Rome. A voice rumbled in the ground, vibrating through the earth.
Jason was alarmed, but his ribs still shouted in pain. He wanted to respond, but he couldn't speak.
You have not succeeded in your quest. The voice echoed. You reached your deadline, but you have not conquered. You have failed me.
No, I haven't! Jason wanted to scream. I can still defeat Uranus!
Forget it, Roman. You cannot complete this feat alone.
Alone? Wait, you can hear me? Jason asked.
Yes, I did raise you, didn't I?'
Lupa? Jason said, half in awe. I thought you could only communicate through twitches and wrinkling your nose.
I am a she-wolf, so I prefer to communicate like a wolf, but I'm also a goddess, I can convey thoughts like we are now.
Jason nodded. He was about to say something when his vision blackened.

Jason felt like a dead man. His side still hurt, but his whole body ached, shouting in agony. Leaves were stuck in his blonde hair and a face peered down at him.
He had soul-black hair, dark brown eyes but his expression was solemn.
Jason blinked as if to see if he was seeing what he was seeing. 'Nico?'
'Yeah, yeah. It's me.' Nico said. 'Look, you passed out.'
'For two hours.'
'It felt like- holy son of Jupiter! TWO HOURS?' Jason yelled.
'Yes, and as the son of the god of the Underworld - wow, what a mouthful - I tried to keep you alive because of that huge blow, but you didn't really need much of my strength.'
'Cool. Thanks.' Jason said calmly, but internally, Jason was freaking out. Two hours. Near-death. Coping well on own. All of them sound bad (except for the last one). Jason was just glad he survived.
He sat up suddenly, frightening Nico.
'What?' The prince of the Underworld asked.
'How's Uranus, and Orion, and Clarisse the Serpent?'
'Glad you asked. Orion is weakening. Clarisse is dying. And has killed many, but still strong.'
Jason comprehended it. 'Wait. So if the serpent dyes, does Clarisse die as well?'
A demigod flew behind Nico, landing on a tree nearly snapping it. Uranus roared in triumph. The child moaned, rolled over and fell out of the tree.
Jason turned his attention back to Nico. 'How are our forces holding up? Leo?'
'Our team is great. Some are dead, however. Leo is still battling the old king, but he is slowly weakening.'
Jason stood up, brushing off dead leaves and dirt. He looked at Leo and saw the determination on his face, but Jason could also see the pain and agony in Leo. He was holding up, but he is growing weaker by the second. He needed support.
'I'm going in, hopefully not to end up having another vision again.' He taunted.
'Hold up. You had a vision? What about?' Nico asked.
Jason instantly regretted opening his big mouth. He neglected to tell him. 'It was personal, okay.'
Nico urged. 'There might be meaning behind it just like every other vision.'
'There is meaning, but it's personal.' Jason responded.
Nico lowered his head in defeat. 'Fine. Go kick some god butt.'
Jason rummaged through the dry leaves to find his sword. He was about to fly into battle when Nico shouted, 'Jason! I got a plan!'
He walked up to Nico. 'Yeah, what?'
     Nico informed Jason of his plan. Jason nodded to say that he understands.
     'You sure you're up to it?' Nico asked.
     Jason nodded again.
     Like a speeding bullet, Jason flew into battle, engaged on only one target: Uranus. Using Ivlivs, his sword, Jason struck at the tyrant's face, leaving a nasty gash on his cheek, which was dripping golden maple syrup onto the camp's ground.
     Despite his wound, the god seemed unphased by the experience. He didn't yelp, cry or show any sign of weakness. He just tried to whack Jason again. This time Jason wasn't caught off guard. He dodged and sliced the king's hand clean off. To his surprise, Jason didn't expect the cut to be so thorough. Unlike before, Uranus yelped in agony, but his unjoined hand began to rejoin fast.
     Jason's only hope in defeating Uranus lies in an execration spell. The only way for this plan to execute properly is if a witch or wizard nymph/satyr perform the incantation in front of the object in which they wish to execrate. In this case, Jason told Nico to shadow travel, which is a mode of transportation in which a son of Hades can manipulate the shadows and travel from one place to another, to Zonë, using Jason vague descriptions of her as an emotional anchor. Despite Nico's curiosity of how Jason knows of a witch, he shadow travelled to her.
     Jason had other matters to deal with. He had to occupy the king until Nico comes back - if he comes back - hopefully with Zonë.
It's just a matter of time, Jason thought.

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