10am Tuesday

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Hey, I'm back!
I decided to start a new book as I haven't updated my other books in a while (but I will). This one will probably have regular updates (every day or every other day) as - you know - lockdown. But it's quite a relaxing past time when I'm not trying to graduate high school amongst this mess.
See you all next chapter and stay safe kiddos!


Eyes opened slowly. There is no familiarity. Is this still a dream?

I move my head side to side slowly and silently as if I was being preyed upon. The walls were dark blue - midnight blue maybe - but hidden by shelves filled with dozens of books. The ceiling was painted black and covered by glow in the dark star stickers that seemed broken in their dull state as the light filtered through the sheer dark blue curtains defeating their purpose.

"WHERE THE F^^^ ARE MY HEADPHONES!" A raspy, angry voice screamed like a hissing cat. I brought the bed covers over my head at this sudden noise, expecting the maker of the voice to erupt into the room I was in and begin a fight. After a few seconds of silence, I uncovered my head again and listened. "ANSWER ME ROMAN!"

"I didn't do anything!" Another voice shouted from another place outside the room. At this I gently stood and approached the only door closed in the room - the door to the bathroom was open. I didn't open the door yet, only stood in front of it and listened.

"Don't shout you two... Settle it quietly." I gentle chirpy voice whispered, I can only assume from the room next to me. The voice still sounded a little strained and sleepy - they must have only just woken too. Footsteps were heard quietly tapping before the first voice screamed again.

"LOGAN! HAVE YOU SEEN MY HEADPHONES?" I stepped back slightly at the sudden noise again. Again there was silence after this; the silence was longer. "Logan?" The voice said quieter, slightly confused in his tone. The same footsteps stepped closer and a knock came from the door I stood in front of. "Where's Logan Paps?"

"Hello?" I murmured to the person outside my door. The door opened after my voice vibrated through the wood to show the person that scared me awake.

"Logan? You're usually up and showered at 7am - you OK dude?" The person stepped closer as I stepped back. He was small - to begin to describe him - both in height and muscle and wore a plain black t-shirt and grey pyjama pants. He kept on stepping forward while I kept stepping back like a scared animal. "Sh^t - Patton! Roman! Something's wrong with Logan!"

"No! I'm fine! Uh..." My voice instinctively vocalised to try to derail the situation. "I just... slept in?" That didn't help, the person only raised an eyebrow and looked behind him to where two new people poked their head around the room's door. The taller new person, wearing red Gryffindor pyjamas, laughed once he heard my excuse.

"You never sleep in Lo - you wake us up at 8." He said, stepping forward to be alongside the black and grey pyjama wearer. "Come on Virgil." He turned to the black and grey pyjama wearer with a smirk while the other still held a concerned look at me. "Let's take advantage of the extra sleep."

"You can tell us if you don't feel well Logie. We're here for you..." The third, the one that spoke gently with a tired voice, also stepped forward and came closer to hug me before I could have any reaction. The Gryffindor wearer stopped walking away and looked back at me as I was hugged.

"I - I had a fever so I slept longer than normal. But I'm fine now." My voice again said as the hug stopped. "We need to get the day started." I stepped back and walked towards a chest of drawers looking at them with determination as if I had a plan for the day. The hugger smiled as I did this, looking back at the other two while the Gryffindor smirked wider and did a small dramatised scowl.

"Great - he's back. I'm gonna get some coffee and watch Netflix in bed until someone needs me." And with that, the Gryffindor left. The hugger left too, heading towards the staircase opposite my room with the verbalised goal of making breakfast.

I opened the dresser at this, assuming the last person would follow suit and leave the room. He stood with a small smile on his face watching me cautiously as I decided which drawer to open first and hoping he'd leave so I could decide a game plan for how to avoid all suspicions.

"Promise me you're alright Sherlock. I'm getting anxious." The person laughed slightly, still keeping his eyes on me. I nodded silently, opening the drawers to find only ties. All blue ties, mostly of a striped design or plain. The person sighed and turned to leave.

"Virgil?" I said quietly, looking up from the ties at the black and grey wearer. He turned and walked closer with a smirk. "I don't... want to wear a tie... Do you have anything I could wear?"

Virgil raised an eyebrow, an unsure and scared look in his eyes that was prominent when he first found me. I was about to back peddle, but he responded slowly. "I have hoodies - you want to borrow a hoodie today?"

I nodded and spoke quickly. "I mean - only because of the fever - I want to relax a little bit."

"You don't have to explain yourself Lo. I'll get it for you." And finally, he turned and left, walking to the room next door covered in alternative band posters. I closed the drawers and stood, looking around the room and examining all the books that surrounded me.

A part of me wanted to wake up again and be placed in some familiarity, to calm my nerves. But this was my reality, and I couldn't wake up. I had to face this.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now