AN - Series?

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(First off enjoy cat in a basket)

So I kind of have an idea to make this into a series maybe? Where each of the characters gets amnesia which is then recovered from and it all has the same cause that they all need to find. I know it sounds kind of complicated but do you guys think you'd like to see this turned into a series?

I also have a way to finish the book that would not make it a series if you guys want it to be a stand alone book.

But all the books in the series would start with "I am ..." so it's easy to understand.
Analogical would still be referenced in the books but as for other ships do you want Royality (RomanxPatton), Moceit (JanusxPatton), Roceit (RomanxJanus), Intruality (PattonxRemus), or Demus (JanusxRemus)?

And then lastly if this were to be a series which would you like to see first (I want to flesh out Janus and Remus - especially Remus - before I do one centred around them)
I am Roman Sanders
I am Patton Sanders
I am Virgil Sanders (for more analogical cuteness)

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