11:30am Tuesday

985 55 46

I made my way downstairs slowly. I wasn't sure whether Virgil had told Gryffindor and the hugger about the hoodie situation. The smell of pancakes made my mouth water as I walked down the stairs, tugging the grey hoodie over my shoulders and walking into the kitchen.

The hugger was decorating freshly flipped pancakes with sugar, strawberries and blueberries. I looked around the kitchen swiftly, taking a breath in - it was only the hugger and I. And I had no idea who he was. "You feeling any better Lo-Lo?" The hugger chirped, his voice sounding more awake and alert this time. I nodded and went to the sink to get a drink of water, trying to think about how to respond if he demanded so.

Suddenly another person came in. Not Virgil, but Gryffindor. He walked in just as the hugger finished decorating the pancakes and grabbed one. "Thanks Padre - you don't want one Calculator Watch?" Gryffindor looked at me, his cheeks expanding like a hamster as he looked at me. I finished the glass and nodded.

"Thanks... Dad..." I said slowly, assuming that was his name or his name was something related to fatherhood as that's all he seemed to be called. There was silence as I grabbed the pancake however, and both of them looked at me confused as Virgil finally walked in.

"You called Patton... Dad?" Gryffindor tried holding his laugh but failed once Virgil walked in and looked between all of us trying to find an explanation for the confused faces. "Something must be wrong with you Teach! What the f^^^?" Gryffindor glanced at Virgil who held the anxious look he had given me so many times this morning.

"Oh my goodness!" Patton giggled like a child and hugged me again, his head lying on my chest as I brought my hands around his shoulders cautiously. "Ignore Roman's taunts. You can call me Dad if you want to!" Virgil stepped forward sternly, grabbing a pancake with one hand and tugging my hoodie with the other.

"We'll be in the living room." Virgil said sharply, glancing angrily at Gryffindor (or Roman) and then switching emotions completely to smile calmly at the hugger (ie Patton). He tugged me to the other room quickly, putting my back against the wall and glaring at me with anxious stern hazel eyes.

"What's... up Virgil?" I murmured, only showing my fear in my voice. I saw his eyes well up slightly as he placed his hands on the wall to stop any attempt I could make at an escape.

"You're delirious. Go to bed."

"Me? Delirious? No..." I laughed nervously, looking away, but Virgil quickly dragged my head back to where it was by cupping my cheek.

"You are. I'll take the hoodie and you get back into your pyjamas and sleep until you're better." He stepped back and tugged the hoodie off my shoulders as I grabbed it for dear life. "Stop acting like a scared animal all the time Lo. You're scaring me."

"Can't you just leave me alone? Don't rough handle me!"

At this Virgil paused and sighed seeing me huddled in the corner. He let go of me completely, wrapping his forearms behind his back and looking down. He bit his lip in thought, letting the hoodie drop to the floor as he heard Roman and Patton also make their way to the living room. I tried to stand straight and give Virgil the same determined and somehow aggressive look he gave me. "Movie night tonight?" Virgil said slowly after a sigh. "At 8pm?" I maintained eye contact and nodded, not before letting a confused expression escape me. "I know I usually skip it - just - I'll be in your room at 8."

"WHO'S READY FOR A DISNEY+ MARATHON F^^^ERS?" Roman stormed in the room and picked up the TV remote, Patton walking behind finishing the last of his pancake. Virgil smiled and sat on top of the sofa, his feet landing on the seat. Patton also sat on a 50s style large chair. I decided to sit too as Roman decided the Disney show, next to Virgil but sitting like a normal person. Roman laughed as he sat on the edge of the sofa. "Joining us Specs? You usually have your head in some psycho-sh^t book by now."

"What are we watching?" I kept my eyes on the TV - Roman must insult me often. Patton gave me a small smile from the corner of my eye which I returned, leaning further forward. Virgil dropped the hoodie on my lap silently as Roman turned on Tangled.

I wrapped the hoodie around me for some security, hunching my back and hugging my leg. My eyes were fixed on the light blond long-haired protagonist that I recognised from the 2010 trailers rather than the real humans around me I didn't know at all. "Interesting new style Nerd." Roman said, glancing over slightly with a smirk. "Why no tie?"

"Maybe he wanted to be more comfy - right kiddo?" Patton chirped, smiling at me. A condescending, 'get better soon' smile - treating everyone like a child even though we're all the same age. I ignored the conversation around me until Roman did an overexaggerated, dramatic gasp falling off the sofa causing all of us to look over confused.

"I can make you a new stylish hoodie! That old thing of JD's is too small for you - makes you look fatter. I can make you a custom hoodie!" Roman stood with excitement and clapped, looking between Patton, Virgil, me and the stairs upstairs. "You have no choice not to now! We're doing it!"

Roman ran upstairs excitedly, letting Tangled play as we all stared at the stairs in fascination. "Be grateful when he gives you the hoodie Logan, I know you don't really want it." Patton chirped, his eyes still on the movie as he brought a blanket around him and bit his thumbnail. I only shrugged in response, causing Virgil to smile.

"Finally showed someone the joys of hoodies. Surprised Lo's the first to figure that out though." Virgil looked down at me and kicked my waist playfully as I turned to face the stairs.

After a few minutes, Roman trotted down the stairs waving a dark hoodie around like a flag. "IT'S READY!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, chucking the hoodie on my lap as he stood on the sofa. I unravelled the hoodie slowly and admired it. It was simple, black fading into dark blue into light blue at the hem, hood and sleeves. Badges were also carefully placed across the chest - a rainbow badge, a psychology symbol, a brain with glasses that was also sewn on my shirt. "You like it?"

"I do. Thank you." I put Virgil's hoodie off and my new hoodie on, feeling the warmth hugging me instead of constricting me as Virgil's smaller hoodie did. I rolled up the sleeves, ruffled my hair back into order and let out a smile. "You did it well."

Roman scoffed with a smirk, sitting on the sofa next to me cross-legged. "That's more than the nod you usually give me. Thanks Specs."

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now