1:30pm Wednesday

681 44 18

I was persuaded to not follow Virgil up the stairs. "JD just needs to calm the f^^^ down." Roman said nonchalantly, picking off the cheese on his pizza and landing it in his mouth. "Someone got up on the wrong side of the staircase this morning."

"Well, maybe we taunted a little too much..." Thomas said, but he quickly reversed his train of thought. "Has anything happened between you and Virgil, Logan?"

I didn't exactly know what to say, so I shook my head. Thomas sighed, and we carried on eating. My eyes lingered on the steps, begging for Virgil to return so I had some safety or reassurance of what to do. Then again, this was a perfect time to find out more about the world I was in. When I was with Virgil I felt constricted to speak, not able to ask any questions unless it was previously approved. As we cleaned the plates I glanced over to Thomas, and he smiled at me.

"You know I won't tell the others if you and Virgil have a - thing..." He whispered, facing away from the others with a wide smile.

"We don't." I said quickly, standing straight as if I were a soldier and Thomas was a sergeant. Thomas sighed and shrugged. I spotted Patton out of the corner of my eye, cleaning the plates and humming a Dear Evan Hansen song, Requiem I believe. His mind seemed to be somewhere else entirely.  Roman called Thomas to choose a movie, leaving Patton and I alone in the kitchen cleaning plates. "Do you need help, Pat?"

Patton didn't move for a few seconds, making me worry minutely. It was as if life had been put on pause and Patton's only movement was a quick eye flick up and down. "Dad?" I said cautiously, the eyes hitting me for a moment with a smirk but no recognition behind them. "Dad?" I said a little louder, and finally, something clicked.

"Oh k-kiddo! I didn't see you there - must be these ol' glasses here." Patton resumed with cleaning dishes like it wasn't a big deal that his face showed error screens. "Can you pass me that cup?" He pointed at a cup beside me which I swiftly passed over to him, his hand clutching the top of it as mine was about to leave. The hand was cold yet left my hand with faint bubbles on the knuckles, popping slowly as I brought my hand closer to my face to inspect the particles. I then carried my eyes up at his face, a faint pink as he cleared his throat. "Thank you Logie-Bear."

He has a crush on me. What could have been another reason for that pinkness after a hand touch? Well, the Dad thing is weird now. I should stop doing that. I let out a sigh and stepped back, looking side to side at each of my hands in front of me for I don't know what reason. Maybe one hand was Virgil - who was my best and possibly only friend in this strange new world and who everybody said I should date; and the other Patton - a father figure to everyone who may have a crush on me but simultaneously calls me kiddo like it's a kink.

"Kiddo?" Patton's voice echoed inside me again. "Are you alright Logan?"

"I need Virgil." I said quickly without even thinking. I could only bite my lip and sprint upstairs to the door covered in alternative band posters.

"What? F***..." A muffled voice mumbled before the door opened. Virgil's clothes were ruffled and the pile of blankets behind him looked previously occupied with Bluetooth headphones laid on the pillow. "Lo? What's up?" Virgil quickly stepped aside to let me in, shutting the door as quickly as I came in.

I looked around frantically, my hands attached to my upper arms crossing my chest. I have two people possibly in love with me? Not possible. I don't know them. They're strangers. "Does Patton love me?"

Virgil's hand left the door handle slowly and gave me a confused look. I sat down, my hands not leaving my chest. "Why do you want to know?" Virgil said gently, kneeling opposite me and placing a hand on my knee.

"Is he my Dad or my lover? I'm so confused..." Virgil nodded again, looking down in thought as my head rest in my hands.

"Biologically - he's not a Dad at all. Too gay for that." There was a pause for a moment, Virgil avoiding my face to look at his door. I followed his eyes before he spoke again. "As for the crush - I can't tell you. I would guess maybe, but nothing was solid between you and him and you showed no interest."

I took a deep breath again. My mind had calmed down. Virgil also took a deep breath, nodded and walked away slightly to inspect some random rubbish that was on his chest of drawers. "You... Do you think you like him?"

"No... I don't fall in love with strangers." I said quietly, and Virgil finally smiled. He sat next to me after getting some Haribos from under his bed. "Want to hang out until dinner Sherlock?" Virgil ate the Haribos and laughed, facing me with a smirk. I, of course, nodded. I felt like I knew Virgil rather than the strangers of Roman, Thomas and - the love interest - Patton.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now