5pm Wednesday

673 40 19

As previously agreed, Virgil and I spent our time together in my room. There were slight echoes of people laughing downstairs, probably watching a movie or something - but we were enjoying the silence of my room. As everyone was telling me I enjoyed reading I decided to take it up again, sitting on my bed in a ball with a psychology book. Virgil sat on a chair upside down on his phone, humming to himself sometimes before we'd meet eyes and he'd silence.

As I read and read the time passed, the sun outside dimmed and the chatter downstairs got louder. Eventually, footsteps were heard along with the laughter, I didn't particularly track where the footsteps were until there was a knock at my door. "Hey Book Germ - Is Virgil in there with you?" Roman's voice spoke quickly at the other end of the door. Virgil perked up as he heard his name, and answered before I could.

"Yep. Here." He stood and opened the door for Roman. Roman smirked slightly at the sight of Virgil, peering over to spot me. "What do you want Princey?" Virgil said in his usual sassy and sarcastic tone, also glancing at me for a second. One look at his face showed a direct contradiction, his face seemed slightly concerned at why Roman stood in front of him - separated from Patton and Thomas downstairs. 

"Can Specs go?" Roman said quickly after a silence - maybe even nervously. From what I knew of Roman he was not the type of person to do anything nervously, and that surprise seemed to be in Virgil's face too. I nodded, making my way past the two to the corridor and watching the door to my bedroom close behind me.

I stood in the corridor in silence for a moment. The noise downstairs had quietened to a whisper as I walked around upstairs. My eyes landed on the door with alternative band posters - that I knew was empty. I couldn't help walking in.

The room was very dark, even with the light on. The wallpaper was a dark purple and the layout was pretty similar to my room. The only difference was there was no bed, duvets instead made piles on the landing of a staircase that went nowhere. I went to the stack of CDs - all alternate bands of course - and switched through the CDs with a 2000s style CD player. I then walked to the pile of blankets on the staircase and sat, keeping my eyes on the door, waiting.

There was a slight ringing in my ear as I sat. I rubbed my ears in order to get it to stop but it only got louder. I was eventually covering my ears completely, looking down at my lap and bringing my knees to my chest. Soon my breathing became laboured I knew I had to stand and walk to the door, my vision swaying as I kept my eyes ahead of me and my hands on my ears. Soon I fell to my knees in front of the door, the world spinning quickly and in a complete 180. I kept breathing and tried to keep my eyes open, finding my voice but not before hearing voices in the corridor. My ears were ringing too loud for me to decipher who it was.

"I can't believe you! He isn't as good as me - I love you!"

"HELP!" I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs as the world around me went black and silent. The last thing I heard was footsteps - then nothing.


The feeling came back to my fingers slowly by feeling the fabric that lay underneath my fingers. "He's moving!" I heard a muffled voice whisper and heard footsteps near me. "Logie? Are you alright kiddo?" The voice eventually became more distinctive as the light hit my eyes. Patton knelt in front of me, his face close and smiling while Virgil stood behind with a mix of concern and anger. "Are you thirsty? Hungry? Does your head hurt?" I felt as though my mouth was still sealed shut as I stared around me.

"Get him water Pat. Let me stay with him." Virgil approached behind Patton as I had the energy to move my head slightly to look up at him. Patton quickly nodded and walked to the kitchen silently, smiling at me slightly as he left and Virgil sat opposite me. "Why the f^^^ did you do that Lo?" Virgil said angrily, keeping eye contact with me. "Did you not think it was dangerous or anything?"

I sat up quietly and held my head, bringing an arm around my chest. "I didn't know..." I said quietly, my head still leaning on the sofa cushion. "It was so quick I thought it's just me..." Virgil looked down as Patton came and gave me water. After some silence to let me drink I spoke again. "What did Roman want from you, Virgil?"

Virgil looked at me and took a deep breath. "He uh... Asked me out on a date..." Virgil met my eyes with a small smirk. "Some performance of Les Mis... And I rejected."

"Why kiddo?" Patton chirped softly, facing Virgil as he sighed. "Roman's been preparing to ask you for ages!"

"I just don't see him that way." Virgil spat quickly, looking away from Patton at the wall over his shoulder. "All he does is insult me." Patton looked at Virgil sadly, then me. "Just - can we leave it? Logan should be our priority." Patton nodded as I finished the water, silently getting another and offering snacks to get my spirits up.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now