12pm Saturday

564 39 20

It was Patton's turn to cook lunch, and today was a relaxing day. Everyone kept to themselves; Patton was cooking lunch, Roman was watching Frozen and Virgil sat in the corner of the room covered in a blanket on his phone wearing headphones. I walked down quietly, hearing Patton cheer from the neighbouring room.

"Logie! Come help me here kiddo!" I nodded to myself and walked into the kitchen. Patton was managing plenty of different sized and shape pots and pans and running around the kitchen frantically. "Can you get the cucumber? and the lettuce? And the cheese? Oh - and the tomato..." I did as he said quietly, also checking pots and pans for fire hazards while Patton had selective attention. I stirred the pasta as I spotted it getting burnt, not before feeling a 'Pat' on my back. "Oh - bumped in on you there Logie, did I scare you?" Patton popped up next to me, his face slightly pink. Oh no - it was this whole crush situation again.

"No - I'm fine." I said, my face immediately dropping as the thought - and then the idea of rejecting who seemed to be a good friend - crossed my mind. I couldn't fall in love with strangers.

What if I made Patton a friend again? What if I told him about my memory?

"I think the pasta is thoroughly stirred Logie..." Patton whispered, slowly taking the pan from me and placing it off the stove. I could only stand still - my head couldn't formulate how to tell Patton I hardly knew him. It was easier for Virgil as we were alone and it was quiet. This situation had sizzling and beeping from timers and the faint sound of The Beatles coming from the nearby radio. Patton was telling me a story as he cooked, something about Thomas but at this point, I was blocking his voice out with the noise from the rest of the room.

"Pat..." I mumbled quietly, letting my mouth just spirt what it needed to. I couldn't process a stranger in love with me if I didn't say what I needed to; or further angering my closest friend, Virgil, if I did. Patton appeared next to me, giving me a concerned look as I avoided his eyes. His hand landed on my shoulder to reassure me as he gazed up at me - wanting to trap my eyes in contact.

This seemed like a romantic situation when it really wasn't. My mouth was paused as was the rest of my body. I begged for Virgil to walk in and save me, drag me away and say calming and reassuring words to calm me down. That didn't happen though.

"What's wrong kiddo? You know you can tell me anything..." Patton's soft voice echoed, I was still. It was silence again for a moment before I felt soft pink lips hit my cheek and then a soft giggle. "You don't have to tell me..."

"Paps... Logan?" Virgil stood at the doorway, eyes wide staring at both of us. He was obviously about to grab the nearby fridge door but was instead paused with a slightly open mouth, watching Patton return to cooking food like a predator watching its prey. "Are you- oh - um... Congrats?" And with that Virgil turned and ran upstairs again, probably never to be retrieved.

Patton smirked at me lightly, glancing at my body; his eyes travelling from my chest up and then down again. "I almost lost hope y'know." He said, serving the pasta on the table in the kitchen. "You and Virgil just seemed so close - I just believed you were destined together." Patton kissed my cheek again and sat down, gazing up at me and putting his foot towards the chair next to him.

I sat in silent thought. Patton tried to hold my hand and kiss my cheek but I leant away. I had to tell him now. "Aww you shy now my little Logie-Bear?" I ate quickly, hoping just running away would give him the idea I wasn't into him, but he continued. "Has anyone ever complimented your eyes? I know they're the same as mine but yours are beautiful..."

"I never said I liked you." I said quickly and simply, using my 'beautiful' eyes to glare daggers. Patton sat back but said nothing. "I was going to say you were a stranger to me - about a week ago I lost my memory and Virgil has helped me regain it slightly. Now I believe you're still a stranger." I stood hastily and left, leaving the warm pasta half eaten on the table just as Roman walked in for his serving. Our shoulders brushed as I walked out, apart from that nothing was said as I went upstairs.

I knocked at Virgil's door before walking in. I knew it was rude but I also knew Virgil would definitely not let me in otherwise. Virgil sat in the corner, facing a wall mirror covered in stickers but broken at the corners. I heard a slight squeaky mumble as I entered, he returned into a ball before looking up at me. "You're a dick you know." He said simply before looking at the mirror again. "Leave me alone."

As I sat next to Virgil I could spot his bloodshot eyes, and that his eyeshadow had trailed further down his cheeks. "Have you been crying?" I brought my arm around his shoulders for a hug but he hissed - loudly. "Did - Did you just hiss at me?"

"I do that when I reach my limit with stupid questions." He wiped his eyes again, a small chuckle escaping as he looked back at me. "You really have no clue do you?"

"About what? Happy pappy Patton just kissed me even though I never even said I liked him back - I felt no attraction to him in fact - and now I just had to 'break up' with him by telling him I have amnesia. I doubt he'd even believe me..." And before I could process I felt Virgil's two arms around me, on his knees to reach me, and his laughing face leant on my shoulder.

"Keep it like that Sherlock. You're such an idiot."

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now