6:45am Wednesday

787 47 18

Hey all!
Sorry, this update took so long, I managed to get sick with something even when in isolation. Sorry, the chapter's shorter - I should be updating every day again though!


I could hear the door open and close while I was half asleep. I then felt a weight next to me like a cat and heard a sigh. "Wake up d^ckhead." Virgil's familiar voice ringed in my ear as I was rocked back and forth.

"Mmm... Why so early?" I rolled my face to lie on the pillow and Virgil chuckled a little and lay next to me.

"You usually get up this time. Thomas is joining for lunch."

I turned my head and then my body to face him. "Ready for your mind to explode?" Virgil said gently, his smirk revealing a white canine tooth. I nodded slowly. "We are all functions of Thomas' mind, so Thomas visits us sometimes. Roman is creativity and ego, Patton is morality and emotion, I'm anxiety and you-" he punched my shoulder as we sat up, "are logic and intelligence. Any questions?"

He stood and spun to face me. If Thomas was as dumb as I must seem if I didn't hide from Patton and Roman, he shouldn't realise I have no idea what I'm doing. That's positive. I paused with a confused expression before speaking slowly, one word at a time, as something was telling me this was going to be a bad question.

"What about the bad things?" As expected, Virgil looked down and his smile disappeared as he placed his hands around his chest. "Do we cover bad things too? Because sure - anxiety is bad... but not the worst part of the psyche."

"Remember my promise Lo? You're safe - don't ask and don't worry." His stern eyes made his face a grimace. The darkness of the room causing his iris to expand, the friendly and warm hazel eyes become black pools of darkness that seemed to have no depth or humanity. I could only nod, walking to the curtains and opening that in hope to restore the light conversation.

"Now - here is what you do..." Virgil eventually said is his slightly more jokey and cheery tone. "Get yourself dressed and ready with a tie, make breakfast, then wake us all up. Sound good?" I nodded again, retrieving my new hoodie from the nearby chair I placed it and putting it on my bed. "Don't say I woke you up - and set an alarm clock while you're at it because f^cking God knows I'm not getting up this early again." With that and a final nod, he turned and walked back into his room.

I did just as he said, minus the tie. I stared at myself in the mirror in my ensuite bathroom, taking a deep breath as I unfolded my shirt collar. I found the dark blue striped rope and placed it around my neck, taking a deep exhale. I pulled down one side, it travelling at the back of my neck like a dry flaky snake. I then crossed the two sides slowly, my Adam's apple pausing a gulp as I closed my eyes. It just didn't seem right though. It seemed too formal, too strict, too - scary. I threw the tie on the towel rack and brought the collar down again, undoing the top button to reveal the collarbone slightly, and added the black jeans and brown belt, just with the hoodie over the top.

Breakfast was pretty easy to make, I just laid out different cereals and called it a 'serve your own breakfast' buffet. Next was waking people up, first I went to Virgil's room and opened the door covered in alternative band posters. I couldn't see him at first, so slowly I stepped in. 

"GET OUT!" A frantic scream was heard. I ran out immediately, possibly expecting Virgil to emerge from the open bathroom door in a towel. But no, Virgil had hidden himself under blankets and was on his phone obviously wide awake - so immediately he spotted the hoodie and sighed. "You'll get changed when Thomas is here right?" I nodded, hoping I wouldn't choke myself once noon rolled around.

Patton was relatively easy to wake up. He gave me a cheerful hug before walking downstairs. I didn't even have to open the door. Roman, however, was more difficult.

I knocked on the door quietly. No response. "Roman?" I said quietly - still nothing. I opened the door after that and found Roman curled up in a golden bed, Pretty Little Liars playing on repeat on a nearby laptop and the faint sound of Disney music echoing across the room. "Roman?" I said again, shaking the sleeping man slightly and opening his golden curtains. Roman moved slightly and turned off the laptop to signal he was awake. He then turned his head to look at me.

"That hoodie? In front of Thomas?" He sniggered as he stood and stretched, his left arm making a triangle over his head while his right stretched forward then swiftly went back in a semicircle motion. "Don't you want to be serious?" He said in a laugh as if he was mocking something I previously said.

"I'll get changed once Thomas arrives. Just go downstairs." Roman raised an eyebrow at me but did as he was told. He sure was infuriating, his constant jokes and taunts.

"You know what Teach?" Roman chirped as we each got cereal, Virgil and Patton already sitting together on the dining table. "I like this new you! You're actually fun to be with now..." He paused looking at the cereal I was going to give myself. "TRIX? What happened to Raisin Bran? We out?" Roman left his cereal on the table and searched the shelves. "What? It's here!" Roman gasped. "YOU CHANGED YOUR CEREAL?"

I didn't know what to say. I looked around and then at the cereals that were almost empty. There was lots of variety of cereals, but the half empty ones seemed to be the ones my friends chose to eat that morning. Patton had Lucky Charms, Virgil had Oreo O's and Roman had Rice Crispies. Virgil stood after a minute of silence, getting a nearby chair to place next to him and guiding me towards the table.

"Stop being dramatic Roman. Let Logan change his style a bit." He said sternly before eating his cereal. Roman nodded, sitting next to Patton, and we all ate in silence apart from Patton's ever-present Dad jokes.

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