I am Virgil Sanders - Taster Chapter

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A/N - Thank you for 3K reads! I did not think this would get that popular as the idea originally started as a cringy self insert that I decided to make Logan centred just before I started writing it - and now it's a series!

As the title says the next book is 'I am Virgil Sanders' and the cover for it is in the picture slot above. The fanart isn't mine. First chapter will probably be out before the 25th of September as that date is when my university starts so there might be a short gap after that date.

But after 'I am Virgil Sanders' will be 'I am Roman Sanders' then 'I am Patton Sanders' then 'I am Janus Sanders' and lastly 'I am Remus Sanders' (hopefully by then we will have plenty of Remus content). This chapter is Logan POV to fit into the rest of the chapters but the next book will be Virgil's point of view of this chapter.


"I'm sure I don't need to give Virgil flowers Roman - it's our 14th date not our first... And he doesn't like motions of grandeur either." Roman had disturbed my planning. I was going to take Virgil stargazing at the local observatory, taken notes of the directions and mistakenly let it fall out of my pocket last night when just Roman and I were sitting on the couch watching movies. That resulted in this moment - the morning I'd take Virgil on the date - and Roman stood in front of me shoving a bouquet of purple verbena flowers into my chest.

Roman scoffed while I grabbed the flowers. "It's called romance Logan - and you've seemed to have given up on it after only dating Virgil for a few weeks - I would hardly say you're showing him you love him."

"Fine, fine. I'll give it to him." I let a small smirk escape as Roman gasped and clapped making happy Roman noises while pushing me out of my own room and towards the direction of Virgil's door.

It was still relatively early in the morning, around 10am, so Virgil hadn't woken yet. He wasn't exactly a morning person but he did enjoy being woken up when I kiss him on the cheek and give him breakfast in bed. I swear he sometimes waits with his eyes closed for me to walk into his room and spoil him with affection and crumpets. Just in case he was awake I knocked on his indie-band-poster-door. There was no answer so I walked in.

"Morning Stormcloud..." I whispered as I walked in. Virgil was still under the covers, even his face hidden as I only saw the silhouette. "Virgil?" I said again, opening the windows to let some light in. Virgil was unfortunately a heavy sleeper, and I knew I couldn't stay in his room for too long to wait until he woke up.

I sat on Virgil's bed gently where his legs left a gap. I stroked the lump in the shape of a head and smiled, but there was no effort from Virgil to uncover himself. I let a sigh escape me as I slowly moved the duvet to free my boyfriend's head. "Good morning sleepyhead - time to go down and get breakfast."

Virgil's eyes were wide open when I unveiled him. His head turned to face me, and it took a few minutes for him to register my presence. Usually he would smile within a second of waking up and return with some snarky remark and a laugh - today was just a simple smile and a yawn. "You ready to get up yet sleepyhead?"


That short answer will usually be sarcastic, and Virgil would laugh and stand up giving me a kiss on the cheek as he got out of bed. This time he stayed lying down and stared at me, looking me up and down before spotting the bouquet of flowers on my lap and giving me a look of confusion.

"Flowers?" He mumbled like a small puppy.

"Yes - Roman told me to give them to you so it would be a romantic awakening." I stood from the bed and kissed Virgil's forehead, cupping his cheek. I could feel my ears begin to ring so if that kiss didn't get Virgil up and ready I would have to carry him out.

Virgil grabbed my arm so the hand couldn't leave his warm cheek. He looked up at me, his eyes expanded and his mouth slightly agape. He was definitely wide awake, golden sleep lined his eyes and he had managed to sit up but his face was paler than I'd ever seen it. I placed the purple flowers on Virgil's lap, he watched them with absolute adoration and stroked the petals with his free hand - but I couldn't get over how pale he looked when he looked at me.

"Are you sick Virgil?" I knelt beside Virgil to be eye level with him and he immediately met my eyes again. He let go of my arm, thinking a little before slowly nodding.

Father mode activated immediately - maybe this is why Thomas said I have Daddy energy. "Oh darling you should have said." I placed the flowers in a vase beside Virgil's bed and kissed his forehead again, making Virgil's smile wider and his face finally pinken with a blush. "Would you like anything? I can get you some paracetamol, or some green tea if you want a more natural remedy - or you can just stay in bed with your fluffy Edward Scissorhands blanket and my Netflix account?"

Virgil again didn't respond, just smiling at me with the most love I had seen since we first confessed our love to each other. "LOGAN!" A scream erupted outside the door from none other than Patton. "CAN I TOUCH YOUR CROFTER'S TO USE IT AS A CUPCAKE FILLING?" A small laugh escaped as I walked to the door and shouted down my answer.

"I better do it for you so you don't use too much!" I looked back to Virgil, still in bed and looking at me. "I'll just let you have a little nap sweetie - call me if you need something or come downstairs if you feel better." As I stepped out the door I felt my ears stop ringing and my vision correct itself a little, but my eyes were still on my unwell boyfriend. I grabbed the door handle and was about to shut the door before Virgil spoke.

"L-Logan?" Virgil almost whispered, slight confusion in his tone and face. I smiled at him and he spoke again. "Can you get someone to close the curtains - and maybe make me some hot chocolate?"

"Sure thing darling." I kept my voice quiet and smiled softly, shutting the door behind me and letting my boyfriend relax for the day. I did have to postpone that date to the observatory - but Virgil's health was more important than some stars.


'I am Virgil Sanders' has now been posted.

EDIT 15/11/2020 - This book has gotten to 5k reads and is the most popular on my profile! Thank you so much - and make sure to check out I am Virgil Sanders - the next book of the series that goes more into the amnesia and why it happened.

A/N again 03/01/2021 - Wait 7.1K reads? This is amazing how much this blew up thank you!

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