11am Saturday

617 38 20

Hey guys!
Sorry, this took a while but the new episode completely changed what I wanted the plotline of this story to be, so I had to plan a whole new solution to Logan's memory problem.

Thanks for bearing with me! (sorry it's shorter too)


"Virgil... Come and see us for a little kiddo..." Patton stood by the door with cookies, Roman lurking behind him staring at his feet. I walked over to the door confused, and Patton and Roman smiled at me. "He won't come out since - the last time we all saw Thomas..." Patton whispered, turning his head to me slightly before turning back at the door.

"Oh... um... Why?" I said quietly. They both shrugged. Maybe he was sleeping, he and I were awake all night the night before as Virgil updated me on Thomas' thoughts and feelings and what I would have thought of them by what I said. Him not leaving his room was not unusual, but apparently, he'd usually tell Patton beforehand.

"Oh, I don't know Microsoft Turd!" Roman mocked in a scowl, his arms crossed defensively over his chest as he faced away from me. "Why don't you go and ask your boyfriend?"

"Roman... Don't talk like that." Patton sighed. Roman didn't react, looking down again and tapping his foot. "Sorry Logie - he's still a little upset about Janus."

"Just let him get Virgil out. He can do that easily." Roman extended the easily slightly in a sarcastic whine before walking downstairs in a huff. Patton sighed slightly watching him leave and then turned back at the door. He smiled slightly at me as if telling me that I was the only hope in getting Virgil out of his room.

I nodded and opened the door slowly. Patton stood behind silently and let me walk in. "Get out Patton. I don't feel like it." A voice came from under the covers on the landing, surrounded by purple pillows. I walked closer slightly, hearing a very faked cough and a mumble. "I'm sick..." I sat next to him and lifted the cover slightly to reveal the glow of a brown eye spotting me and looking me over. "You know not to be here..." He mumbled and turned his head down closing his eyes.

"Can't you come to the living room?" I mumbled. "You can be sick there."

"Yeah - yeah - fine... Go." Virgil didn't move and only covered his face again. I sighed, staring in front of me and waiting. When I fainted in Virgil's room before he spent the whole day next to me, listening to music while I feasted on hot chocolate and barking at every passersby checking up on me to leave me to rest. Maybe if I stayed long enough he would do it again. "Are you seriously not going to leave?" Virgil scowled, sitting up and sighing. His head fell on my shoulder silently as he copied my stare forward. "You all betrayed me. I told you not to trust Janus and you did."

"Well, I wasn't there for the conversation. It was mainly Patton and Rom-"

"Don't you dare say their names." Virgil hissed, standing and walking to the dresser to cover his pyjamas. "You still betrayed me, the previous you wouldn't have just done that to me."

"The previous me? Virgil - I'm exactly the same..." I stood and walked closer to Virgil slowly, but Virgil just gave me a glare. He placed the dressing gown across his shoulders and tied it up, the eye contact leaving me but the expression of disgust and anger staying.

"If you were the same we'd all actually f^cking communicate..." He turned and shut the door behind me, leaving me to navigate the door again without a light source.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now