8pm Tuesday

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I enjoyed watching Tangled and Brave and Big Hero 6 and Snow White and Treasure Planet with Roman, Patton and Virgil. To say that Virgil stayed throughout all those films would be incorrect - he turned on his phone near the end of Brave, put his headphones on halfway through Big Hero 6 and left completely just before Snow White. No-one seemed to mind, and they kept on asking me whether I was staying for the next movie even though my response was always yes. They seemed happy to have me around, so there was no reason to leave.

During Treasure Planet I kept on glancing at the clock. Virgil seemed to really need our time alone at 8pm, even though he seemed to have had enough of movies from the household's marathon. "If you want to leave Lo-Lo you can..." Patton said softly as the clock reached 7:26. "You've stayed so much longer than you usually do."

"He has his date with Virgil at 8 Pat. That's why he's more of a nervous mess than usual." Roman said, checking his nails as he sat on a beanbag.

"Date?" I echoed slowly without vocalising, recalling every event of the day automatically. I was dating Virgil? We hadn't kissed, or even hugged, or called each other cheesy cliche nicknames. Was I meant to do that? Maybe that's why he acted angry at breakfast and left halfway through the marathon.

"You know they're just close friends Roman. Stop taunting." Patton finally said to break me from my worry. I glanced at Patton and then Roman. Roman checked his nails, his eyes also in another world that no-one had access to.

"Mhm..." Was Roman's only response. He crossed his arms and looked away from the TV for the first time in the last few hours to face away from Patton and me, looking at nothing in particular. Patton sighed and shared a sad look at him, before looking back at me.

"You should get ready for your movie night Lo-Lo..." Patton chirped sadly. I nodded and walked upstairs, realising the drift I had somehow caused.

I took a deep breath as I walked into my room. Virgil wasn't here yet. I circled my room for a moment, trying to figure out if there was any particular spot I would sit with Virgil for movie nights. It was all just bookshelves until I saw one shelf slightly more forward than the others. The bookshelves were full of psychology books, examining the Yerkes-Dodson graph or explaining ways to treat anxious behaviour. After a few attempts, I brought the shelf forward slightly to reveal another area to the room, not big enough for a bed but too big to act as a study room.

Instead, the room seemed covered in blankets and pillows; all a mix of dark blue, purple, white, black, and galaxy. Blankets were even held up by the ceiling, making the room even smaller as I crawled in. Pillows seemed to gather at two particular spots, facing one wall. One pillow pile seemed meticulously clean, the pillows were mostly dark blue like my room with a few small white pillows across the edges and a small pile of Gothic literature books to the left of it. The other gather of pillows was surrounded by empty Diet Coke bottles and Pringles cans rather than works of literature. The pillows at this spot were dark and light purple and a moderate amount of black. It felt comfortable sitting in the dark blue spot, leaning against the wall which was also a blanket. I relaxed, watching the open door to my room and waiting for my hooded friend to walk through.

"Move it nerdman. Get comfy." Virgil cheered, his hands filled with popcorn, chocolate, crisp packets and milkshakes. I smiled, sitting cross legged to let Virgil past and set all the food and drinks down. "You didn't get your laptop?" He said softly as I looked at him confused and stood. Before I could even turn though a galaxy dark blue laptop appeared in front of where Virgil and I sat. Virgil opened a packet of crisps like nothing happened as I look confused and sat down again.

We can do magic. Good to know.

"Want one?" Virgil offered some crisps to me with his mouth half full. I still took one. "I feel like watching some conspiracy theories - had enough of movies." He turned on YouTube and looked through, eventually landing on Watch Mojo's conspiracy theory videos. "A classic."

We watched the videos in almost silence, our chewing and the videos being the only noise. There was a video on imposter syndrome - a psychological condition where someone is constantly worried they'd be found as a fake or a fraud - sounds familiar. "Well you're really into that." Virgil laughed. "They say psychology and you're glued to the screen I tell you." Virgil leaned against the wall and caught malteasers in his mouth.

I got a sudden burst of courage. Well, maybe courage, maybe trust, maybe knowledge I would go insane if I kept it all in. "I need to tell you something." I said sharply in an exhale. Virgil paused jolted like a record, letting the malteser drop to the floor as if it were slow-motion. His face also paused for a second, going paler slightly and then pinker as his eyes widened. I took another breath and closed my eyes.

"Hit me." After a pause he spoke again. "Not literally - figuratively - hit me with what you want to say."

"I don't know who you are apart from your name. Same with Roman and Patton." Again it was silence as I sat straight with my eyes closed.

"R-really?" I nodded. The pause this time started a few minutes, all silence apart from the video. "You're safe Logan."

I opened my eyes and turned my head quickly. Virgil had changed positions from leaning against the wall facing me to facing the laptop and watching it, the light from it only shining on half his face just below the nose. It looked unearthly, unnatural and made me feel uneasy for some reason - the stubble on his chin pointing up. But he reassured me with his gently spoken words.

"I will help you remember Lo - if it's the last thing I do."

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now