3pm Sunday

504 36 8

"PIGGY BACK!" Virgil screamed chaotically, jumping on my back as we were both strangling ourselves with laughter. I carried him to the sofa and threw him down, spotting Roman, Patton and a visiting Thomas watching us curiously.

Virgil had calmed down now, smiling and laughing more than he did before without a care in the world. Now we were playing like children with judgemental parents drinking coffee watching us.

"So... Logan lost all his memory a few days ago and Virgil has been teaching him how to be himself?" Thomas questioned as he sipped on his coffee. Patton and Roman nodded. "God - Janus would have so many questions..."

"Janus?" Virgil shouted, standing on the sofa in a second as his glance became the usual stern look. "Janus is coming?"

"Yes Virgil." Thomas said deeply and clearly, looking directly at Virgil as he spoke. "We gave you a few days to compose yourself after the news but now I really think Janus should move in with you guys."

"MOVE IN?" Virgil screamed louder, nervousness showing in his voice as he looked back at me. "I-I-I I didn't agree to this. I thought he was just going to play Devil's advocate in our discussions not... Be one of us..." Virgil stared at the floor, his eyes wide, his breathing shallow. He knew he had no power to argue.

"Now don't act like that Emo Nightmare. We let you move in when you started to 'appear' in our discussions - So as much as we hate it, it's fair he has his own room here too." Virgil seemed to zone out what Roman was saying, shaking his head and covering his face as he sat in a ball on the sofa. "That being said, creating a Dark Side room for a snake hybrid turned nice would be difficult - and as I don't want s^x toys it's better I don't let Remus do it..." Roman mumbled to himself for a few seconds as I knelt in front of Virgil and stroked his knee. He gave me the look of a lost puppy, his hazel eyes glowing and trapping me as our breaths unified into one and my thoughts filtered into ones of bringing him closer, keeping him close, admiring his smell and feeling his lips and...

"WHAT?" Virgil screamed again, quickly turning to Roman again and pushing me out of the entrapment of his eyes. "I... I have to sleep in Logan's room?"

"Just for a few days Stormy-Sh^t. It will be quicker if I just copy paste your room and change the colours and placement of the furniture - and add a bed of course - Jekyll and Lies actually uses a bed like a normal person." As Roman explained the intricacies of creativity I finally processed what was happening, chucking the thoughts I had begun to have about sharing a bed with Virgil for a few days would entail.

"I wouldn't mind you in my room Virgil, of course." I finally spoke up, standing too in order to sit at the table with Roman, Patton and Thomas. Thomas chuckled like a teenager at Virgil's eyes going even wider until they looked like they'd come out their sockets. "If you don't feel comfortable sharing a bed with me you can always sleep in our movie hangout space, there are plenty of pillows there for you to feel comfortable." I poured some tea for myself and sat, watching Virgil for any reaction that involved in him moving his agape mouth.

"I... um... uh..." Virgil stuttered, looking around quickly to regain any idea of where he was and what was happening. "Sure! I mean - I'm cool with that. I should... um... clean all the stuff I don't want Janus to find out of my room." Virgil scattered upstairs quickly, leaving me sipping tea with the Light Sides and Thomas.

Patton kept his head down for all this ordeal. What I said to Patton was harsh, I must say, but it had to be said that way to give Patton the right idea of what I felt about him. I could have been softer, I should have been softer, and I still needed to apologise. I hadn't thought Patton would have been so effected, I saw him wander into Roman's room as I went in and out of Virgil's room. It was obvious Roman had suffered heartbreak after being rejected by Virgil, but Roman had seemed to have moved on quickly.

Who could not fall in love with Virgil... The voice in my head echoed. I killed that thought as soon as it arrived, Virgil was just a good friend of mine, maybe a brother in platonic relationship. But the voice prevailed, speaking again gently as a slideshow of Virgil took over my thoughts. I saw his glowing eyes again, watched his lips as he bit them - a bad habit I apparently always used to attack him for as it would lead to 'red clown lips'. Even the word lips made me imagine my lips against his, then my arms around his waist, then his fingers coaxing the buttons of my shirt. I could feel the heat travelling up from my neck to my cheeks, making my whole face a light crimson as I tried to stop the slideshow from progressing into... more intimate positions with my best friend.

"What's wrong Pat?" Thomas spoke gently to Patton, allowing my mind to focus on something else actually present in reality. "You don't usually have nothing to say when I'm here."

"I'm sorry... Dad." I said, hoping the red would disappear from my cheeks enough for the apology to be taken seriously. "You truly have been a friend to me during my amnesia, that misunderstanding was nothing but a slip-up on both our parts."

"I take your apology." Patton smiled at me in response, then giggled slightly. "At least I know that..." He waved a finger around pointing at my face. "Isn't my doing."

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now